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Trivia Pursuit: Wheel of Time - Game Started

Al Jenn Mael

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Blueberry and Pumpkin Pie for you! Before you can eat it though you need to brush your teeth.


*Chases after Talya with a toothbrush in hand*


Sports and Leisure: What were the two untranslated words that appeared above the book/library ter'angreal?


Geography: Name three cities from the age of legends.


History - The War of the Hundred Years lasted 123 years


Blueberry and good job on answering the History question, but you already have that pie. Tactically you've kept others from getting at it ;p.


I would also have accepted 125 years. The appendix has a conflict so either answer would have been appropriate.


I don't think I'm making these hard enough. Or let me rephrase, you guys are to clever ;p :D.


I would totally give out points, but civilians don't have points to give out. Maybe I could talk Talya into... *COUGH COUGH* haha


Current Questions are...


Science & Nature: Who in the 3rd age invented the Hang Glider?


Arts and Literature: What book did Tam Al'Thor always want to read?

Hint: It's(It was) in the Queens Blessing Inn.


Entertainment: In the Age of Legends this game meant imprisonment for members of the light for owning one once-human game piece. What was this game?


Sports and Leisure: What were the two untranslated words that appeared above the book/library ter'angreal?


Geography: Which of the Ten Nations survived the trolloc wars?


History: Who were the last king and queen of Manetheren?

  • 2 weeks later...

Come on people! I know you're all full, but I believe in your pie eating abilities. Who will reign as champion of WoT knowledge? Who will fail? Will it be someone of the light, or a darker sort of person? Who knows... only you can decide the fate of such!


*Dangles some imaginary incentive points for people*


O' and BUMP!


New and improved!


It is 3 points per pie with the winner getting an extra 5 points for a total of a whopping 23 points!


Come one, come all and get some tasty tasty points!


History: King Aemon al Caar al Thorin and Queen Eldrene ay Ellan ay Carlan

Also since you said I can answer two Arts and Literature-Voyages Among The Sea Folk

I have two more I just have to wait now.


Damn, I got those two, was working on others. i knew i should have posted before...




Geography: There were five that survived briefly, but the only place to carry on was Tar Valen


At present i can't find anything about the Book ter'angreal, nor the Hang glider nor the game in the Age of legends...you are too good Al




Sports and Leisure: Ansoen and Imsoen. I thought they were translated...but these are the only ones I can think of.

(P.S. No one answered this yet, right?)


Aelgar, Eharon, Essenia, Jaramide and Safer is what I was looking for, but your answer is sufficient.


Since you already have the blueberry pie I'll let you still guess two more.


Sports and Leisure: Ansoen and Imsoen. I thought they were translated...but these are the only ones I can think of.

(P.S. No one answered this yet, right?)


The appeared in the old tongue. Congratulations and have this Pumpkin Pie



And Banana Cream Pie, Pecan Pie for Talmanes!



New questions forthcoming


Ansoen and Imsoen mean fiction and non-fiction in the Old tongue I wanted those words because I thought people would guess fiction and non-fiction to easily.


Neither did I, till I went to edit the first page. You had his pie for 5 minutes!


Good job Tal another pie for you, hopefully I will get the questions up soon, I'll also post them on the first page. I'm a little busy right now and technically shouldn't be on here since we are in comm black out.




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