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About Osan'gar


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I don't understand why so many people think that the woman, Aran'gar, used to be Aginor? In the last chapter of book 9 Osan'gar says how Trollocs were his makin and thus Myrddraal that sprung from them, and many other creatures that rocked  the world.


I wouldnt even say slow, more along the lines of mixing up the names.  And with the huge volume of names we are given I think we can fogive a little bit of confusion between such similar names.  For instance,  I couldnt tell you which are the ael'fin and which are the eel'fin.  I know one are the snake people and the other are the fox people.  One can be reach thru the ter'angreal in Tear, and the other thru the former ter'angreal of Rhuidien.  Both can be reach thru the Tower of Ghengi.  I am sure some one can tell me, or I could find out myself with a little research, but either way, in six months or a year I will forget again. 


OH! HuH! Im not sure about that, actually lol.


I just think that the best way to go about it is remembering that The Foxy Folks ask the Questions and The Snakey Folks grant the wishes lol - Thats what works for me! ;)




The Foxy Folks Answer The Questions and The Snakey Folks Grant The Wishes ;)

Actually the other way around.  Aelfinn (snake) answer questions; Eelfinn (fox) grant wishes.



About Osangar & Arangar, we do not know how many readers mistake the two.

Some portion of them probably are slow to understanding things.  And some portion of them probably are confused about similar names.  A number of people might fit both descriptions.



Well, with the two Forsaken being kind of throwaways that are bit characters in tEotW, and the reincarnated versions having similiar names...a little confusion is understandable.


I just find it easy to remember that Balthamel, the leecher, is now a woman :D Can't forget that...it's too frickin funny!


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