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I Have a Question For Fans (And Critics) of The Fisher King


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This is not meant as a slam. When I was a lad, (many days ago) I read some of his posts and was confused by them. I was baffled.


When I became older, I began to notice something and it is the essence of my question, which is:


Has anyone else ever felt like the Random Capitalizations Throughout Sentences and Inane And Irrelevant Commentary upon subjects was a bit repetitive, predictable, pedantic, childish and  even slightly off-putting after reading the same lines every few paragraphs post after post?



That is my question - thank you for all input.






I have noticed this, and would like to add to your question... have you ever seen him actually read (or respond) a thread he hasn't started?




Actually, I respond in other people's threads all the time. (Usually in the WOT Gen Discussion Forum) ... Sometimes though, if I think I don't have anything helpful to add, or if I think my opinion might be silly, I will save it for my own thread because I don't want to insult someone else's own thread that is theirs.


I am new to posting on the computer, though ive *read* this site for years. It has helped me through some real tough times - especially since ive been forced to be home alot more lately than id wish, due to an accident (i was hit by a lady's car - long story)


Ive always thought everyone here was really nice and all the people's ideas here really interesting and awesome...you guys always pick up so much more stuff than i do in the wot books - i always feel SO Slooow lol!!! I got to meet Mr Jordan/Rigney when I was 14 and I was with my mom, who read the series too...EOTW had just come out and he signed it for me!!! ... He was SUCH a niiiiiiiiiiiice man! ) ... I really enjoy others threads....Im sorry if the Capatilazation thing is wrong or offensive - its not meant to be. Ill try to capitalize less.


Sorry again.





I don't think it's really particularly nice to call someone out on something in a new thread and direct the question at other people rather than the person you are critisizing, Chill. You might upset someone one day.


I don't think it's really particularly nice to call someone out on something in a new thread and direct the question at other people rather than the person you are critisizing, Chill. You might upset someone one day.

this is ironic because it is a 95% complete parody thread


@ fisher king

it's nothing personal but there was this thread




which really just alerted me to your posts and i took this as an opportunity to lash out.  i am sorry if you were hurt


All Good Chill - I was sensing (though, to be honest, i was not ceeertain, bc i can be a bit slow) a fair amount of dryness on your part lol....it was very nice of you to clarify though and it is very appreciated :)





For the record Fisher, other people start threads looking for feedback from everyone, you are more than welcome to respond to other people's threads with your opinions and questions.


Thank you for saying that Barmacal.


I DO post in alot of other people's topics....one thing though, is, that even though I have been reading this series since Day One, I readily admit that I have ''Missed'' TONS of stuff over the years in all my re-reads lol.


It amazes me what everybody here has spotted that I never picked up on...if Im not up to speed with everyone else on something, or feel dumb, then alot of times I will avoid. But I do enjoy posting in other folk's theories and stuff.


Thanks for the kind words :)





Fish, lemme say I find many of your topics easy to get involved in, and you ask a lot of good questions which invoke community involvement.


If people get pissy about capital letters, remember, its the internet.


I did giggle at the title of this thread though, I will admit.


Thanks for saying that! And, LOL - The Title of this thread is VERY Funny ha ha!!!


I was worried at first that Chill was upset with me because of my Thread about David Eddings lol...if you read through the thread, you;; see that I have read every single book of both The Belgariad and Mallorean and LOVED them when I was younger.


But, like any work, I was just offering a few honest criticisms...like the constant ''witty banter'' that really wasn't funny and was very repetitive, and the fact that it seemed after a few years that mr Eddings did get VEEEEERY Full of himself lol - just read later Mallorean books or The Rivan Codex to see where im coming from on that ;)


But, yeah, the title by chill pretty darn clever ha ha!!!





I laugh that everyone commenting on this thread all of a sudden became on The Fisher King's side as soon as he commented.

I only saw the thread after he commented, and my post would have been the same whether or not he had commented, actually. Whatever Chill says, this thread was made out of spite.


and i took this as an opportunity to lash out

And I fail to see how lashing out is a good thing.


However, since Fisher King seems ok with all this, I won't say anything further.


Yeah the thread seems to have been created in a fit of petty meanness but I've seen Fish post a lot and although sometimes it is hard to read or understand his stuff he is a nice and thoughtful guy and I think it's pretty hard to have a beef with him.


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