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There's a mini war going on in my geometry class between me and half the class and the teacher and the other half of the class.  So there's this theorem we call the Corresponding Parts are Congruent theorem which my teacher acronymized (cool word :D) to CPC.  Well, some of us have started calling it CPaC (pronounced see-pack) because it sounds awesome. :D  The teacher's fine with it though, so we don't get in trouble while we try to convert the other kids. (who are all 2-3 years older than me)    :D


I enjoy dancing, though I must say it is quite the sausage... well we don't have many females here at the BT. Why didn't you make this thing in the center of a city like the White Tower. Sigh, guess I'll learn at some point ;p


From 'Welcome to the Black Tower'



O' COOKIES! Mmm, delicious. *Looks suspiciously at Talya* Are you by any chance a mother? I've heard stories about them and cookies you see... But if you were how could you tell that I... Well who knows one of the wonderful mysteries of life...


I am a mother Al, in RL...here I'm not though. We all wield Saidin here...equlaity and all that ;)


Ok, so let me get this straight. Everyone is their gender here as they are in real life and everyone with points in the one power can channel Sadin. Simple enough.


Talya in real life is a mother, but here on the boards isn't. She is still she, but she can channel Sadin. Don't know why I didn't figure that one out earlier ;p. Joking, ok I think I'm up to speed now :D


Rey since you confused me so much...


*Pulls out bubbles and pours it into the Ultimate Super Soaker X8675309 and pulls the trigger*

*Bubbly sudsy water sprays all over Rey*


BUHAHAHAHA! Who needs to channel with this I'm invincible!


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