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Welcome Nae bliss


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Welcome to the madness that is the BT Nae Bliss, now what would you like to be called...Nae, Bliss or Blissy ;)


So come on you Bters, lets give this person a truely warm (no not using the fire weave Led!!) welcome!


So tell us a bit about yourself, I hope you aren't planning on taking over the BT with a name like that ;)



Well on what to call me either works. ummmm... I'm 17, a prodigy I'd like to say, and yes I do plan to take over  ;D I've been meaning to join the BT hadn't had time I don't have a comp. so I gotta do this @ school or library so I'm not on very much :-[ I don't know what else to say so questions... I guess let 'em fly?


Like I said above I don't have a comp. so i'm not much for comp. games but i've got a playstation2 and i like anime and final fantasy, and and i just don't know so if you've got questions then as soon as i get them i will have answers... i have a question what are... points... i dont understand that. I hope ya like me and i'd be honored to call you guys friend. 


Hey Nae Bliss, Joe here aged 16 and got a med school interview on Saturday tp work for so sorry if this welcome is abrupt. Its great being here, you get points for participating in activities, discussions and downright grovelling of the senior ranks;) you use your points to increase your levels of the One Power. I'm sure someone will give you a better description in a min. Gotta go, welcome to the BT mate and enjoy yourself ;)


Hey Nae Bliss, Joe here aged 16 and got a med school interview on Saturday tp work for so sorry if this welcome is abrupt. Its great being here, you get points for participating in activities, discussions and downright grovelling of the senior ranks;) you use your points to increase your levels of the One Power. I'm sure someone will give you a better description in a min. Gotta go, welcome to the BT mate and enjoy yourself ;)


Good luck with the interview Joe, lets us know how it goes!


Don't worry about not having a computer. It's great to see you here when you can.


So whereabouts are you from (no specifics, but country/state etc will surfice ;)


So, do you have any questions for us?


Well, I'll try to help you out here.


You can earn points by starting threads, participating in activities and discussions, or sometimes even by commenting on our OL's superior self among other things.  Points can be used to up your One Power levels which in turn up your status (Soldier etc.)


From the voice inside your head?  I have learned much from mine.


And of course, she speaks truth.  This Org is different from the others (at least the others I'm in) 


It's is unique...


And yes Locke it correct. It takes some getting used to spending the points as the levels for each of the five elements are not the same, but there is a table to help you.


So the end of it is, earn as many points as possible. Take part in anything, and if you have any ideas for games etc, put your idea up on the arena board. ;)


You get points for that too :)


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