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Searching and Journeying {ATTN Mystica}


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OOC: This is continued from A Chance Encounter



  Shawn nudged Blaze into a trot and passed Carina Sedai before she made it through the gate of the Yard.  It would not do for her to request an escort and get hurt because she was too reckless to let him do his job.  he would have to speak to her about that.  Shawn led Carina through the streets of Tar Valon.  He nodded to the Guards on duty at the bridge and they continued across to one of the small bridge towns on the west coast of the Erinnen.

  Stopping to look around Shawn turned back to Carina Sedai, "I know you said you were in a hurry, but I do not yet know how time sensitive this mission is.  I have brought plenty of supplies to sustain us on the road, but if you think there is time and would prefer a nice bed for the night, there are several nice inns here."  Shawn hoped that she would decline, it had been awhile since he'd slept under the stars.  But, Aes Sedai could be fickle creatures, saying they eschewed comfort one minute and begging for it the next.  Shawn figured it was better to give her the chance to decide for herself.

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 She smiled as he passed her, his back straight. Carina didn't often allow herself to endulge in small things, but that is where she differed from the Blues. She didn't forget the importance of enjoying the things she fought to preserve or protect. Anwashawn turned and asked if she would like to stay at an inn. Fool man, they'd just left Tar Valon, she had no intention of stopping just yet.

 "Time is of the essence, Anwashawn, so we must press on. We will come across several decent spots along the way where we can bed down for the night. All of them in the open, but that can not be helped. Besides," She added with a smile, "It's been far too long since I saw the stars at night." She checked the position of the sun and calculated they could ride for a good many hours still before resting. They would have to rest the horses in between, of course, but she would allow only short pauzes. The Light send that the boy still lived.

 "I told you that we are on a mission to rescue a boy from being lynched." She continued as she drove Sorei up to the black horse. "There is more to it than just that. The boy, it seems, has developped a new personality next to his own. The ancient records speak of this as something that once was an oddity in the world but we haven't had any news of this since the last man we know off had had this experience. Apparently these men suddenly develop a familiarity with wolves in some way. The Reds have tried to gentle him and he fled before the ability could be decently studied. The villagers that are holding this boy seem to think he's a darkfriend and want to kill him as one. So you see, Anwashawn, we can not delay unless we absolutely have to. We must reach the boy before he is hanged, so that I may study this and gain a better understanding of it. If it is true and he is a creature of the Dark One now, we will deal with it, but I'm not about to let a man be killed just for having an affiliation with animals!" Her voice had taken on a determination and strength and her resolve left nothing to be doubted about at the end of her explanation. It all came much too close to what she herself shared with forrest animals. And she was most definately not a darkfriend!

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  Great, so rather than making a good impression by appearing to show concern for the Aes Sedai's needs, he had instead made himself appear soft and weak.  Well, he would not make that mistake again.  It seemed that not all Aes Sedai were as soft and spoiled as he'd been led to believe.  "I apologize Carina Sedai.  It was wrong for me to assume you would choose your own comfort above making speedy progress on our journey.  I assure you, I can travel as fast and as long as is needed.  In fact, now that I know a life is at stake, I only hope I don't push you too hard.  Please let me know if I do."

  As they spoke they continued traveling through the town and soon found the road on the other side.  They traveled at a brisk pace for several more hours, not stopping until well after sunset when it was too dark to be safe.  Shawn led the way off the road to a stand of trees a short distance away.  Finding a small clearing deep in the trees Shawn dismounted and turned to help Carina, only to find she had dismounted as easily as she'd mounted back at the stables.  "Well, at least you know your way around a horse, that's good to see.  I take it you can see to unsaddling and grooming her as well?"

  Receiving an affirmative Shawn unsaddled Blaze and started rubbing him down.  Some might have set up camp first but Shawn was too smart a horseman, and Blaze too good a horse, to leave the saddle on longer than needed.  Blaze was well enough trained that Shawn didn't bother hobbling him or tying him off but just left him to graze contentedly.  Horses taken care of, Shawn found some rocks and built a fire ring and piled up some fallen wood.  Leaving it unlit for the time being, Shawn set up the tent he'd brought for Carina.

  He left his hammock in the pack, planning to stay up all night standing guard.  Without a Warder's added abilities he wasn't sure he'd be able to but he felt compelled to try.  He was sure he would be fine for a few days at least but, not being sure how long they'd be gone, he had brought the hammock along for later.  Camp arranged how he wanted he spoke to Carina, "Unless you need something else, I will be back soon with dinner."

  He took his bow and a few arrows and went into the woods.  He scouted the arrow to ensure there were no hidden dangers and then went in search of game.  Thirty minutes later he returned to camp with a brace of rabbits.  He had skinned and gutted them where they were shot and left the remains for scavengers.  Shawn tied the meat to a spit and set it over the fire, then sat back on a tree stump to wait.  "If you don't mind, I think it'd be nice to get to know each other a little better.  But, I don't intend to be nosy and ask more than you are willing to share, so you can go first if you'd like.  I am an open book, ask me anything."

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OOC: just a small note, Sorei is a stallion, not a mare :)


  Carina waved a dismissive hand at his appology but was a bit taken aback by the tone of his voice and as he asked if she could unsaddle and groom her horse she nodded automatically. Now this was a task usually done by whoever accompanied her, though she was fully capable of doing so herself. Had she insulted him? She worked in silence going over their earlier conversations but couldn't figure out where she might have said something to get his hackles up. Men were strange creatures at best and she found herself puzzled by them a lot. She decided not to let it bother her too much, though. They had a long way to go yet and it was always a bit of a test and feel in the beginning till both partners were atuned to one another. Besides, she didn't mind working on Sorei, it gave her more quality time with her beloved stallion. Finishing up on Sorei, she tied the horse off to the nearest tree and sat down on one of the logs and lost herself in her pondering over the mission at hand while Shawn went to catch dinner. He returned a short time later with a few rabbits, ready to be spitted. His invitation to get to know each other took her a bit by surprise, but she was greatful for it.

  "I never found out what made you decide to become a Tower Guard." She said conversationally, leaving it open to him to choose what and how much he would share of that tale.

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OOC: oops, guess I must have missed that.


IC:  "A good enough question to start, I suppose.  Especially in my case, as answering it sufficiently will require a recap of most of my life story."  Shawn turned the rabbits on the spit and checked to see that they were roasting evenly.  It was a show of busyness but he needed time to find the words to explain his past.

  "There is an instinct deep within me, an instinct stronger than any conscious thought.  It is the primary driving force in my life and the first point of consideration in nearly every decision I've ever made.  At times it seems to compel me into actions I might not otherwise take and which my logical mind and most others would say are not wise.  This instinct is the NEED to protect and defend others, all others but especially those unable to protect themselves."

  That was an answer in and of itself and Shawn nearly stopped there.  But, staring into the flames he inexplicably decided to share more.  "Obviously, this instinct and drive to protect could have taken me in almost countless different directions.  So, why the Tower?  Well, that was quite the journey.  I started thinking that I would join the Children of Light but that all changed one horrible evening."

  The rabbits were starting to burn so Shawn took them off and began slicing the meat into strips and laying them out to cool on the stones around the fire.  When they were all layed out he tested the first one to make sure it was cooked through.  It was juicy and tender and he was glad to see he hadn't overdone the spices this time.  It was delicious, he hoped she thought so too.  "I know its not as good as a meal at the Tower, but i hope you approve.  Now, where was I?  Oh yes, the Whitecloaks.

  "I don't remember my parents, but the man who raised me was a blacksmith who made weapons for the local garrison.  I served my apprenticeship with him actually.  Well, a new commander came to the garrison, a man named Ely, and it seemed he had history of some sort with Uzziel and his wife Alexis.  I still don't know why, but he accused Uzziel of being a darkfriend, an allegation I know without doubt was false.  Ely then tried to get Alexis to marry him, I suspect that was the purpose behind it all.  She refused, and the next thing I know the were both being hung from the gallows.

  "That was not the first time my instinct got me in trouble, but it was the first time that it changed the direction of my life.  I was only fifteen and untrained but I rushed in to try and stop the executions."  Shawn shuddered, years later the pain of what came next still lingered in his mind.  "I was tied to a tree stump and flogged to within an inch of my life and left for dead."

  Shawn looked up and met Carina's eyes, "Thank the Creator a band of Tuatha'an found me three days later and nursed me back to health.  That was an interesting time for me."  Shawn looked off into the distance of memory and smiled at the fond memories he had with the Traveling People.  "One year later we were camped here in this very clearing when my instinct to protect caused them to reject me from the wagons.  We were set upon by bandits and I had gathered the children in a wagon with me to hide."

  Five years later Shawn still struggled between pride and shame at what happened that night.  "Two of the bandits found there way into the wagon and I killed them with a butcher's knife.  I knew then that my NEED to protect and defend was too strong to fight and I'd be better off learning to use it to the advantage of the most people possible.  So, I went to the Tower and started training."

  He wanted to ask her so many questions, but could a mere Tower Guard have any right to do so?  How was he to learn about this woman to better protect her if he didn't know her?  And yet, she was Aes Sedai and he'd been told that it was impertinent to question them.  Perhaps she would respond to his story by sharing some of her own?

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  Carina listened silently, without interrupting to his story. Her eyebrows rose a little at his desire to become a Whitecloak but otherwise she remained the very image of patient objectivity. Nodding at the right moments and leaning her body forward, hinting at her interest with a hundred small signs he would never realise she made, but that drove him to share more as he went on. Or, at least, that's what it usually did. There was really no way of telling how successful the technique was. She had picked it up from one of the Gray who used it in her mediating activities when she needed people to confide in her, but she'd never gotten as good at it as the shrewd Sister.

  He handed her a strip of rabbit and she agreed with him, licking her lips after the juice of the rabbit dripped down her chin, that it was very tasty. And it was. Probably the best flavored rabbit she'd ever eaten out in the wild. As his story continued her eyes took on a sad look, genuinly conveying her feelings about those sad days. She understood him better than she hoped. It was a lonely world out there without any roots to hold on to. She knew that all too well.

  "It would seem," She said in between two bites of rabbit, "that we share a common history. I too never knew my parents, or at least I don't remember them. They died when I was five, but none can, or will, tell me what they died of. I was first raised by a couple in Baerlon and then later sent to a Malkieri noble House to be educated there. It was there that I found my dream of becoming a Ranger." She laughed at his incredulous stare. "Yes, a Ranger. Granted there weren't many women that became Rangers. Well, none before I would enlist anyway. But that was my dream nevertheless. But it was not to be. One day," she took another big bite out of her fourth meat strip, this truly was delicious! "One day, I was at the market place with the Lady of the House I stayed at and a Sister walked by. Pointed at me. Wanted to test me and just like that I was sent to the Tower the following morning to begin my training as a novice." She remembered the face of the man that had sacrificed himself for her on that journey so long ago. It had been a while that she had thought of him now, though she had never truly forgotten him. Silence stretched between them as she struggled with the sudden rush of sadness, thinking back. Shawn shifted slightly on his log and she came to herself again with a start.

  "Anyway, we seem to have a common background. So I understand how that's like." She took yet another bite, he really should think about marketing these! "It is unusual for a Guard to double up as blacksmith though, eventhough I understand the reason behind the choice. Is this then your final goal in life? To become a Guard and a blacksmith?"

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  A female Ranger of Malkier?  Now that would have been something.  Not much chance of it happening now though.  Regardless of her standing in the Tower, Malkier was gone lost to the Blight years ago.  But still, if she had started to train with them than she probably knew enough wilderness survival skills to get by on her own.  Did he insult her by continuing to do things for her, as he had apparently insulted her earlier?  Women could be such prickly creatures, Aes Sedai most of all.  With half a mind he considered her question and the best way to answer it, but with the other half he considered how he was to react to her very presence.

  It seemed that treating her as a delicate flower or treating her as entirely self-sufficient and capable both carried the risk of insulting her, the first by implying that she was incapable and the second by implying she was not worthy of being taken care of.  What to do?  Risk insult but provide for and care for her as her station deserves, or trust in her own abilities to care for herself and still risk insult?  Well, his parents had raised him to do what was right and always treat all women with honor and respect.

  "Final goal in life?  My goal in life is to offer my self, body, mind, and soul, to the defense of others great and small.  Right now the best way I can do that is by serving in the guard and by providing the weapons and arms for others to serve beside me.  As for the future, who can say?  I serve in the guard to stand for and defend every Aes Sedai in the Tower, but if any single Aes Sedai showed herself to be especially worthy of my protection than I must say the life of a Warder would be worth considering.  I could appreciate focusing my efforts on defending only one woman, as opposed to hundreds.

  "But, what about you?  I hope you don't mind but I'm always curious what leads each of you to choose your Ajahs.  All seven seem to think they are the most important and necessary, so what would lead you to select one over another?  You specifically, why did you choose the Brown?"

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  It wasn't a surprise to find him open to the idea of being bonded. Most Guards secretely dreamed of becoming a Warder, even if they didn't quite know what it meant until they became one. Tower Guards were about the most elite of warriors one could find, short of Blademasters and... Warders. They were trained in so many things besides just fighting as they were expected to uphold not only the safety of the White Tower's initiatives, but also their status in the world. When they marched with the Amyrlin, the Guard needed to eminate an aura of strength, discipline, capability and mystery. All for the enhancement of the way the world saw the Aes Sedai and the White Tower. She'd long since come to terms with that, even supported it now. To a point. Some Sisters took these things way too far, like the Reds and the Greens though in totally opposit ways. The life of a Warder was both a wonder and a sacrifice, for to link one's life, literally, to that of another person was no small feat. And yet, they did gain quite a lot in the process. Warders considered their gain far outweighing the cost and in a way they were right. There were worse ways to spend one's life than to be Warder to a Sister. Depending, of course, who that Sister was. But then, somehow, the pairings always seemed to work out. Having such an intimate link between people tended to bring them together no matter how they might have been different. The risk a Warder has when his Aes Sedai died was higher than the reverse, true, but the Sister wasn't fully absolved of any side effects if her Warder died. The pain of that was so deep, so overpowering, that no amount of ability in serenity or controle could cover it. They moarned the loss of their Warder deeper than a parent moarned the loss of a child. Put a Sister in that situation during a battle and you have a recipe for utter disaster. The Greens underwent that more than any other and Carina respected those women a great deal for that alone. Especially since it was common among Greens to not only bond their Warders, but to marry them too. Carina still found that quite astonishing. She couldn't imagine such a thing, though she understood the sentiment behind it. Still, she'd never considered such a union with her own Warder, it had never occurred to her and that was not the nature of their relationship.

  Shawn asked her about her Ajah choice and she smiled. It was common for people that lived in Tar Valon to ponder such questions, though most didn't dare ask them. It was a good sign that he felt comfortable enough around her to do so.

  "All seven Ajahs are important, as each trade that make up the economy of a nation is important. Yet each one has a natural inclination, and a personal interest, to consider their own trade more important than others. It allows a person to have a sense of belonging, a reason to be, a place in the whole. If people didn't feel their occupation was important they would lose heart in doing what they should be doing. And that then would lead to a fall of one of the very elements that lends the whole it's overall combined strength." She said, her voice starting to take on a lecturing tone. "So too it is with the Ajahs. Each one focusses on one element of the whole, but the whole is only as strong as the combined strength of it's parts. To explain exactly the differences between Ajahs you would have to put on novice white and make your way up to the shawl." She grinned at that mental picture and let out a laugh at his incredulous look. "Each Sister knows what Ajah she belongs to at the end of her journey through the ranks of novice and accepted. It is not something easily explained as the reasons are as diverse as there are people wearing the shawl. As for me, I've come to realise that knowledge is the best weapon anyone has in defeating an enemy. Our enemy is the Shadow and all that belong to it, by choice or by force. Over time, I've come to realise that without knowledge, without insight, without wisdom, we are like children randomly striking around ourselves, blindly hoping to catch something. My purpose is to seek out knowledge but not for the sake of knowledge itself, as most believe of the Brown. Gather knowledge and distributing it so that the forces of Light gain the best possible chance of defeating those of the Shadow. So that leaders will lead with wisdom and the people can benefit from the lessons of the past with an insight into the future. The Brown Ajah was the place that offered me the freedom and the support to follow that road."

  She considered him, whiping her mouth with one of her kerchiefs. A twinkle in her eye and a small smile betrayed her amusement.

  "And what would make a Sister worthy to have such a fine man agree to be her Warder?" she asked lightly.

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  As most Browns did she took on a lecturing tone and posturing as she sought to educate him on the importance of each of the Ajahs, and hers in particular.  But Shawn found that he didn't really mind it so much from her.  It didn't seem to carry any of the condescension that it did when done by most others.  She didn't seem to think herself better than him for knowing these things, but instead seemed the sort that would willingly instruct and teach anyone that was open to listening.  It was entirely possible that she did think herself better than others because of her knowledge but if that was the case than she at least made the effort to appear not to.  She was Aes Sedai after all.

  "And what would make a Sister worthy to have such a fine man agree to be her Warder?"

  "Ah, well, now that is a question.  Don't get me wrong, I've thought about this quite a bit, I've just never had to actually put into words the conclusions I've drawn.  Mostly I think it will simply be a matter of knowing that she is.  But, to attempt to answer your question......She would have to have unsurpassed integrity, not just bound by Oath to not lie, but truly seek to be honest and upright in all her dealings with others.  She should also by passionately devoted to serving the Light, moreso than herself or even the White Tower.  If I was to choose, it would be a woman of authority.  I say that not from seeking to puff up my own importance as I would not care if the authority she held was held in secret.  No, I wish to serve someone of authority so that in guarding and protecting her I can feel as though I am serving many more as well.

  "But what of yourself?  Have you had a Warder before?"

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 She kept her face calm and serene though she couldn't help but wonder if he maybe didn't focus a bit too much on serving others. That sort of thing could easily become an obsession, if left uncheckt. He didn't seem the type to her, but one never knew until the moment was upon them. A stab of pain went through her as he asked about her Warder. Nothing showed on her face or in her posture, of course, but even after all this time she still felt the loss deeply.

 "I have," She said. "Fredrik died many years ago, defending me from an angry mob."

 Silence fell and Shawn shifted a little, obviously uncomfortable with something. Claire rose from her seat and smoothed out her dress.

 "Well, that was a very nice meal. One of the best I've ever eaten outside. I'd like to make an early start tomorrow, so let's turn in. You needn't worry about intruders this night, I've set a ward around the camp that will alert us to any intruders. The animals of the Light know not to cross the barrier. Get some sleep, Guardsman Anwashawn. We have a long ride ahead of us tomorrow. Good night, sleep well."

 With that she turned and vanished into the tent he had set up earlier.



edit: corrected the name of Carina's dead warder

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  Her face and voice betrayed no emotion at all as she spoke of the death of her former Warder.  Shawn was stunned.  He'd heard that the bond carried a very strong attachment.  Was she so heartless?  Did she truly feel nothing, or was it just another example of Aes Sedai detaching themselves from the world around them?  Keeping your emotions from ruling over you was one thing, but to pretend not to have them at all?  That just wasn't right.  But then, as one who used the Spring, Shawn had long ago learned to harness the power of his emotions.  Perhaps she simply had trouble opening up to and trusting others?  That at least would be better than those Flame and Void users who rejected emotions as a weakness, blind to their inherent strength.

  And just that easily the walls that had started coming down between them snapped back up so fast that Shawn had to wonder if he'd only been imagining their crumbling before.  Carina bade him a good night and retired to the tent he'd erected for her earlier.  She'd assured him he could rest, that her wards would both protect them and warn them of danger.  She seemed confident enough, perhaps she was right.  Staring into the flames Shawn considered his options and determined that with only himself to guard the camp he would simply have to get his sleep while he could, trust her wards to wake him to danger, and keep his weapons close at hand in case it came.

  having made up his mind he rose from his seat by the fire.  Fishing his hammock out of his pack he hung it between two trees where he could still have a good view of the tent, and prepared to turn in as well.  The hammock was all he needed on a night like this, though his cloak would serve well enough as a blanket should he need it.  His swords he hung on the nub of a broken branch on the tree near his head, readily accessibly should he need them.


  Years spent training and serving at the Tower had taught Shawn to rise early no matter when he went to sleep, and six months of living alone in the wilderness had taught him how to get the rest his body and mind required even while staying vigilant of his surroundings.  Thus, he was able to wake two hours before dawn without feeling groggy.  He went down to the stream to refresh himself with a quick dip in the icy water and used a trick he'd been taught to catch some fish with his bare hands.

  When he got back to camp Shawn stirred the embers of last night's fire and added more wood to get it burning nice and hot again.  He buried the fish deep in the coals to cook them and keep the meat moist.  he packed away his hammock and then found Blaze and Sorei grazing on the soft forest floor.  He gave each of the stallions a portion of oats and said good morning to Blaze by scratching the spot in the middle of his nose that, as always, induced a sigh of contented pleasure from the horse.  He groomed and saddled both of them, anxious to be ready to leave as soon as possible now that he knew better the purpose of their journey.

  Shawn carefully dug he fish out of the embers and scaled and cleaned them.  then he rubbed them with another pack of seasonings, different from what he used on the rabbit, wrapped them in leaves, and laid the meat on stones around the fire to finish cooking.  When Carina Sedai woke to join him he would pack away her tent while she ate breakfast and they could be on their way that much sooner with everything else done already.

  Drawing his two swords he spent the remainder of his time waiting by going through his morning workout.  He started so slowly that his muscles burned and it seemed he barely moved at all.  But, as he flowed from one form into another he gradually increased his pace.  Soon his swords were but a blur and his body flowed through the forms as through an elegantly beautiful and completely deadly dance.

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 Carina woke just before dawn and heard Anwashawn bustling about outside though he clearly took pains to be as quiet as possible. Smells of freshly cooked fish were wafting through the cracks of the tent and her stomach was appreciating the promise they brought. She had to admit it, the boy knew his way around a campsite kitchen. Boy? No, that wasn't a boy any longer. She had to keep reminding herself that of most people, since at her age almost everyone was either a girl or a boy. Not very fair to them, but she couldn't help it. Still, she tried to treat them all with dignity and respect which was the best she could do. And yet, she couldn't stop berating herself for the thought still, foolish as that was. She dressed mechanically, her hands and fingers following the practiced routines without concious thought and her mind drifted back to their mission at hand as she started the hundred strokes through her hair. She hoped the boy would still be alive when they arrived. There weren't that many opportunities to meet one such as him. They had to reach him in time! Honestly, some people would call anything Dark Friend. It was still possible, she supposed, but her heart was unwilling to accept that option. And she intended to follow her heart till her mind forced her to recognise the facts, once they laid before her. Finishing up brushing her hair, she fastened the long locks in an intricate knot at the back. Not a bun, like most Sisters her age were prone to wear. She felt those were too severe. But a loose looking knot that allowed most of her hair to flow down her back, while still presenting a dignified and respectfull appearance. Putting away her night shift in her back pack, she left the tent and stood for a while, watching Shawn go through his morning exercises. He was good, really good. The Greens would laugh at her if they knew her thoughts, of course, for what would a Brown know of such things? It always amused Carina how people so easily dismissed the Browns as out of this world, unaware, not quite in touch with reality. They were convinced a Brown's only interest lies in books. They were wrong. It wasn't the books themselves that interested a Brown, but what those books represented. Knowledge, wisdom, understanding, insight. The center pieces of what made a King into a wise ruler or a brutish dictator. These were weapons of a far greater danger level than any sword and, like any weapon, could be used for whatever purpose people choose to use them. Her mission was to see to it that they were used for the Light and the benefit of all.

 She walked over to the log and took a seat, silently still observing Shawn. He had surprised her the day before with his open questions and honesty. Pleasantly surprised her, that is. Most people were automatically reserved around Sisters. Even locals of Tar Valon were carefull and alert while in the presence of a Sister. But it was still early days and he had yet to show his character in deed as much as in word. Carina had long since learned that words were but a weak offshoot when it came to assessing the type of person you were dealing with. Actions and deeds spoke louder by far. From his manner he seemed to struggle somewhat, trying to find out how to be around her. Which was only to be expected, of course. She wasn't too fussed about it, really, she had grown used to it. Even from Sisters, especially those that stood higher than herself, it happened. They knew they stood higher and yet somehow they didn't press that advantage with her. She studied Shawn again. Light, had she ever been that young? It seemed like a lifetime ago. What did those Guards learn at the White Tower anyway? Was it all just military stuff, or did they actually get training in how to interract with and treat Sisters? Did the Warders ever share their insider knowledge with others? She'd never asked Fredrik, but now she was curious about it. Shawn's actions the day before tickled her mind and she would find out one way or another. She chuckled inwardly. Was he going to expect her to wrap up the tent now too? Maybe do the dishes too, while she's at it? She could do it, of course, but it wasn't general policy to let a Sister do manual labor. A smile spread across her face and her eyes twinkled in amusement at the thought.

 Shawn finished up his exercises and moved towards the fire.

 "Good morning," She said, "You're working up quite an appetite. Whatever you have there, it smells delicious."


edit: removed reference to silver hair as that clashed with previous posts

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  It didn't take long for Shawn to lose himself in the familiarity of practicing forms.  His body could flow through the forms by muscle memory alone, freeing his mind for other things.  He allowed himself to think of Dene for the first time in weeks.  The pain of her leaving so unexpectedly was still there, but it had lessened with time and no longer had the hold on him that it once did.  Considering things objectively he was forced to admit that they may not have been as perfect for each other as he'd once thought anyway.  I would probably always care for her but he knew that he was nearly recovered from the loss.  He might not be ready for another relationship like that for some time yet, but he was content with himself once again and that was enough for now.

  He was aware of Carina Sedai leaving her tent and watching him work, but he was too disciplined to let it affect his routine.  If she spoke or otherwise showed that she needed him he would stop in an instant but until then he would finish what he'd started.  She moved toward to a seat by the fire and continued to watch.  Flowing through the dance that he'd made his own he was at the far end of the camp and facing away from his audience as he finished.  Perhaps that was good.  There was no need for her to see how much joy he received from his training, from feeling his body and swords working as one.  He sheathed the blades and turned toward the fire, an expression of mere happiness rather than disturbing joy upon his face.

  "Good morning.  You're working up quite an appetite. Whatever you have there, it smells delicious."

  "And good morning to you as well, Carina Sedai.  Yes, I suppose I am a bit hungry at that.  Thank you for the compliments, let's hope it tastes as good as it smells."  Shawn took one of the little packets he'd made and unfolded it to reveal the cooked fish surrounded by herbs, and handed it to his companion.  "The outer leaf serves as a plate, but the inner leaf is edible and hold fish caught this morning in the river and herbs.  The entire thing can be eaten so you needn't worry about bones or anything else.  I hope you enjoy."

  Shawn took another packet for himself and explained his plans for the morning.  "I've made extra here that we can keep with us and have for lunch later.  Everything else is packed and the horses are groomed and saddled.  I will pack up the tent while you enjoy your breakfast and we can get going as soon as you're ready."

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  She listened to his explanation about the wrapping of the fish and herbs and once again found herself quite appreciating his culinary skills. A woman could get used to this on the road, she thought taking a bite from her breakfast. They ate in silence and he set to dismantling the tent and see to the last of their stuff to get ready to move. When he was finished, he stood for a moment watching her with a frown on his face, clearly uncertain why she wasn't moving towards her horse.

  "We won't be riding the next part of the journey, Shawn" She said, 

  "The next part of our travel will be done through Travelling. During the night I've learned this place and so now I can Travel from it. We're going to the northern border of Arad Doman. The reason I didn't say so before is that I didn't want to risk any Sister hearing about it or seeing where I am Travelling to. We also needed to appear as regular travelers for when we arrive at the village, so these preparations and supplies you brought were not in vain. We won't be Travelling directly to the town as that would freighten the town's folks too much. We'll be Travelling to a clearing in the woods West of the Mountains of Mist where the river Dhagon flows eastwards towards Falme. We will travel the rest of the way on horseback. It is only a two days ride to the edge of the Town from there, which is located between the two rivers slightly to the north east of where we will start out."

  She rose from her seat, smoothing her dress and opened herself to the Source. "keep the Horses steady, Sorei is used to it, but I don't know how your stallion will react to this." Weaving Spirit a vertical slash of light appeared at the side of the camp, widening into a square of shimmering glaze big enough for a man on horseback to walk through. The shimmering cleared up, showing a patch of grass covered land surrounded by trees. "Alright, take the horses through, I need to keep the gateway open. I'll be right behind you."

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