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A Cause for Celebration? (Attn: Greens!)


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Loraine walked slowly through the Vault, pausing next to each face she recognized and wondering what secrets these women hid from the world. How many of them had children that no one knew about? How many of them married their warders? They were the same secrets that Loraine clutched close to her chest. While it wasn't unheard of for a Green to marry their Warder, having children was against the rules.


Lor wasn't good at going against the rules.


Now she had to find the line between letting one secret out, the fact that she'd married her Warder and would have to do so again, much more publicly and hiding her sons. Considering the entire reason why she was worried about the second ceremony was the cement their claim to the Kilaine estate, this was going to be tricky. What penance would be levied on her if it were known that she'd neglected her duty to the Tower to raise her sons? It was daunting and she was sure it would be painful.


She had to tell the rest of her Ajah about the wedding at some point. She'd told Jade, already. All of Cairhien knew what she was, her grandfather made no small amount of noise about the fact when she'd been brought to the Tower. She had to tell her Sisters before they learned from Eyes and Ears. Besides, she wanted to tell them! These were days where any sort of good news was cherished... right?


She turned back towards the door, pausing a few steps in as she heard the tread of someone heading towards her. She tilted her head curiously, pausing next to a collection of Aes Sedai so old that she didn't recognize them, to wait for her visitor to make themselves known.



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It had been months since Kabria had last seen the walls of the Green Ajah Quarter, and she’d not realized how much she’d missed them. Smiling at the tapestries of battled and the shields and armor that were proudly displayed Kabria had the overwhelming feeling of coming home. So unlike the last time she’d been here, when she had been near the brink of destruction.


Perivar was out in the yards, sparing with “proper” partners as he’d put it; leaving her to rattle around in their rooms all alone. Chalinda was asleep as she always was, and Kabria had no work, so she’d began to pace the length of the Ajah Quarters pausing at each work of art to examine it until she could see it with her eyes closed. She would leave the Tower again soon, and this time she wanted to be able to see home whenever she wished.


Walking towards the Vault Kabria smiled, truly there was no place that held more of the Green Ajah than the Vault. She realized quickly that she was not alone and approached her old mentor and friend. “Loraine. Your face warms my heart! I have missed you Sister.”


Their relationship had not always been smooth, but Kabria was truly thrilled to see her. Lor had taught her so much about what it was to be a Green.

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Rasheta found herself walking toward the Vault, she would end up there one day. She hoped not till after the Last Battle she had no wish to die before then. Although she supposed that was almost a contradiction considering she had tried to kill herself several weeks ago. She shook herself and walked on it would not do to suddenly have both her warders shadowing her. They had for awhile after her near death experience. She couldn't blame them but it had been slightly annoying at the time.


Rasheta came to the door of the Vault and found it already open. Odd She thought to herself. Who could possibly be visiting the Vault today. She walked into the room and saw Loraine and Kabria already there. Rasheta smiled at them both. Kabria was one of the newer sisters, Rasheta didn't know her well as Rasheta's time was spent either in her room or in t he Hall doing tower business. Kabria was however, a sister of the Ajah and therefore she had passed all the tests the Captain General enforced. Rasheta's attention went to Loraine and she smiled a little wider at her. Loraine, Rasheta knew fairly well. Both were sitters and they had spoken in the past of Warders and other things of no importance. It had been nice and something Rasheta didn't do as often as she should. She said. "Kabria, Loraine its good to see you both. What brings you here today?"

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Loraine smiled as she recognized Kabria and reached her hands out to her. She'd been earning the white hairs that had started appearing lately, for she remembered Kabria as a shaky Accepted, worried about the Tower Guard she had her eyes set on. That she and Perivar hadn't killed each other was a testament to... well, something! She grinned broadly.


"I have worried about you quite a bit since you left, Kabria, so I'm afraid it is my heart that is the one warmed by your face. Since it's still smiling, I can assume that means you brought Perivar home with you?" She'd made no secret of nearly adopting that crop of trainees and the fact that they were all full ranking Tower Guards and Warders made little difference to her. It was one of the perks of getting old, she supposed. Bah! Old!


She turned as another set of footsteps echoed in the Vault and smiled at Rasheta, pausing to make a pointed look over her shoulder. "No shadows today, Rasheta? However did you manage to lose them? I need to borrow a trick or two for the days when Kynwric is getting annoyingly overcautious!"


She turned her eyes to the paintings around them and sighed. "I'm feeling old, I guess. It's odd how circumstances will do that to you. I remember a good many of these faces when they were still breathing. Sometimes it feels strange that my painting isn't hanging here, right along with them. Light knows it should be."


She shook herself visibly and let her eyes shift to the two younger Sisters a moment before looking back at the paintings. "I've heard the days before a wedding will do that to a bride, too."



dropping hints... *smirks* a sure sign of nervousness in a Cairhienin

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ooc- I suppose I should pop in now. *G*


Jaydena looked at the frame hanging on the wall in her bedroom and smiled sadly. It was a picture that she has sketched of Seia. They woman was asleep in the massive bed that she herself had just climbed from. She had a blanket in her arms and was holding it tightly with the most content look on her face. Sitting there that cold night with the fire burning in the hearth in her bedroom she had marveled at how lucky she was to be loved by someone as amazing as Seiaman. The woman was all she had ever looked for in companion and had come in an unexpected form, that of a woman. She had never known that she could end up attracted to a woman, but here she sat staring at one and sketching her face as she slept. Jade turned away from the frame as her thoughts wandered back to the current time frame. Years had passed since that day, when she was so in love and so sure that her life had taken a turn for the better. Since than she had lost two warders to death, one warder to the dark side, one warder to the Black Tower, one who had just vanished, and another to the birth of her child. Although that woman was back in her life they were no longer bonded, and on top of it all she had lost the woman she had married with a marriage dagger to another woman. She had never been good enough for Seia, and Sirayn had been, the other woman had been all she couldn't be.


She walked from the room and sat down at her breakfast table, alone and for the first time in her Aes Sedai life with no lover and no Warders. It was a strange feeling to not have a gaidin watching her back, or a lover touching her hand gently as she poured her morning tea. It was a lonely feeling and despite what everyone said, the cold walls of the Tower sometimes weren't enough. Duty was heavy and cold but she knew her duties and she wouldn't shirk from them today nor any other day until she left this life. Hopefully she will leave in a blaze of glory on the Battle Field. The Last Battle was coming and she would be standing with her Greens fighting off the hordes of evil. She finished her breakfast and than called her servants to the rooms so they could clean the room and pick up the dinner dishes. Knowing Cynthia her head servant would also leave her a plate of brownies under a cloth and some warm cocoa would be waiting when she returned. The woman took care of her these days and made sure that her room stayed spick and span. She didn't take no for an answer and like her Mother before her she now refused to let her try and starve herself to death when she was upset.


She walked back to her bedroom and slung a rabbit fur lined cloak in deep purple velvet over the top of the matching dress. Gold spiral embroidery decorated both the dress and the cloak and she wore a matching belt around her waist. A small pair of dangly earrings were on her ears, a bracelet on her wrist, and a necklace with a purple stone dangling from it completed the outfit. She was going out into Tar Valon to do some shopping and to check on the Eyes and Ears and she had to represent the Tower. Jade slid her feet into a pair of black velvet boots with rabbit lining and secured the purple mask that Cairma had made for her to her face with the weave she had created for it. She walked from the room and thanked the servants who were already at work before she left. She set a ward against evil around the rooms and walked down the Hallway. As she neared the Vaults she noticed the door open and voices coming from within.


"I've heard the days before a wedding will do that to a bride, too." Her eyes widened. She recognized that voice well and knew exactly who it belong to. Lor must have decided it was time to get ready for the wedding to her gaidin. She smiled at the thought, it was nice to see a love that endured, and that wasn't twisted by greed or desire for something you didn't need. Jade walked through the open door and noticed two of the newest Greens standing there with Loraine. Nodding her head at Kabria and Rasheta she spoke, "Are we having a party in here or just preparing for one?" She smiled at Lor and looked around at the vault at all of the various cubbies full of womens and their warders belongings...


Jaydena Mckanthur

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Loraine turned towards Jade's voice, her lips stretching a bit more into a warm smile. "My nerves are getting the best of me, I guess."


She turned back to Kabria and Rasheta. "I've already told Jade this, but..." She lifted her hand, flashing her engagement and wedding rings. "Kynwric and I were married on our last trip from the Tower."


She waited for their reactions to this news, wondering what they would think. Would they find the act of marrying her warder strange?




this was ugly and short, but I wanted to give ya'll something to work from. Have fun! Rib her to death about being an "honest woman" and stuff. *grins*

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Rasheta wasn't surprised when Loraine looked over her shoulder for Dante or Visar and said amused.

"No shadows today, Rasheta? However did you manage to lose them? I need to borrow a trick or two for the days when Kynwric is getting annoyingly overcautious!"


Rasheta laughed and shook her head, "They have decided i'm allowed out on my own." She winked and added "If you need help distracting Kynwric i'm sure any of the sisters can help." Distracting warders was something the Greens were very good at. Rasheta turned in suprise when Jaydena appeared in the Vault. That was even odder then having two other sisters there.


"Are we having a party in here or just preparing for one?"


Rasheta couldn't help it she laughed again. A party in the Vault, what a ludicrous thought. It was a place where they went to remember those gone not to throw a party for whatever was going on now. Silence usually prevailed in the Vault. Loraine's next words however surprised her.


"I've already told Jade this, but..." She lifted her hand, flashing her engagement and wedding rings. "Kynwric and I were married on our last trip from the Tower."


Rasheta blinked in surprise and then smiled brightly she went and hugged Loraine. "Congratulations sister, how did Kynwric finally convince you it was the best thing for you?" She smirked. "He told you it would make you an honest woman didn't he?" She was still smiling and she felt better then she had since some time ago. She put a hand on her hip and tilted her head thoughtfully. "Just which one of you gives the commands when you are alone?" She was trying not to laugh again but she wasn't sure how successful it was being. It was a happy day after all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Loraine blushed, returning Rasheta's hugs and searching for a way not to answer any of the questions she'd asked. She was coming up empty and it seemed neither Kabria nor Jade were going to jump in and send her a break. She laughed, instead, shaking her head. "He swears we should've done it years ago to keep the lot of you from teasing me so."


She grinned at Rasheta. "And I try not to give commands, regardless of whether we're alone or not. He's the partner of my heart and always has been." She shook her head a moment, her blush creeping back in her cheeks. "Besides, I'm much more creative with sword forms..."



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  • 1 month later...

ooc- Sorry about the huge wait on this ladies.


Jaydena looked at her friend as the woman smiled and than began speaking again, "My nerves are getting the best of me, I guess." She nodded her understanding, she knew what it was like to be nervous. They all did, even if they had learned how to hide it very well or push it out of the way in favor of other more Aes Sedai like emotions. She herself had long ago learned to hide every emotion from others, for they all could be taken advantage of. Loraine was one of the handfull of people that she even showed emotions too. She had learned at the feet of Sirayn Sedai how best to not show emotion or how to show contempt, disdain, or a variety of other emotions in that spectrum. Glancing back at Lor, she looked behind the woman to the cubby that belonged to Sirayn. Their former Amyrlin and Ajah Head. She had vanished, never to be heard from again, leaving behind a hole in their tower and in her heart. She shook the memories off and watched as Loraine turned to the other two women and began to speak again, "I've already told Jade this, but..." Loraine lifted her hand and showed off the rings on her hand, not the ring that showed she was born to be a Sister of the White Tower, but the rings that linked her to her husband. Jade looked back at Sirayn's image and the smaller image of Seia inside of a frame. Sirayn gaidar and her own lover. The woman she should have ended up bonded to had the wheel not intervened. She wished that she could have worn something as obvious as those rings to declare her love and marriage to Seia but that wasn't to be. "Kynwric and I were married on our last trip from the Tower." Jaydena looked at the younger sisters and wondered how they would react, it wasn't something that was normally done, though if it was done anywhere, it would most likely be done within these halls. The hallowed halls of the famous Battle Ajah, fighting to save the world, and feeling passions deeply.


"Congratulations sister, how did Kynwric finally convince you it was the best thing for you? He told you it would make you an honest woman didn't he?" Jaydena watched as Rasheta stood up and hugged Loraine before continuing with her comments, "Just which one of you gives the commands when you are alone?" Jaydena snorted under her breath and waited to see what Loraine would say as Lor struggled with what to say, she could see it on the other womans face and she wasn't pulling her out of this one. She grinned as Lor answered, "He swears we should've done it years ago to keep the lot of you from teasing me so. And I try not to give commands, regardless of whether we're alone or not. He's the partner of my heart and always has been." Lor blushed and than spoke again,  "Besides, I'm much more creative with sword forms..." Jaydena coughed and laughed out loud, probably louder than any of these sisters had ever heard before, "Yes I am sure you are Loraine." She grinned at the other woman and watched the blush creep higher...


Jaydena Mckanthur



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  • 4 weeks later...

Lor grinned to hear Jade laugh. It was a sound she hadn't heard in a long time and she could only hope it was a sign of good things to come. Her blush darkened at the woman's tone and she coughed out a laugh to go along with it. Light, she was too old for this blushing nonsense!


She cleared her throat and shook away her laughter a bit. "I have even better news, actually. You see, my Counsel have decided not to accept my marriage papers as legitimate and have demanded that we hold a true noble wedding to placate the necessary judgments. Kynwric is quite perturbed by the idea of a noble wedding, but the attorneys will have nothing less than House Kilaine showing off for all the world to see." She sighed and shook her head again. "I have no family I can acknowledge outside these walls and, since you're the only family inside them that I have..."


She smiled and tilted her head a bit. "Will you stand with me in Carhien for our ever-so-proper noble wedding?" She waited for their responses with her breath held in her chest.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Jaydena saw Loraine watching her and she returned the woman's smile, her eyes sparkling at this news. Maybe her life wasn't all she wanted it to be but she was going to watch someone she respected and cared for end up with the man she belonged with. They were true soul mates and their love and respect was apparent to everyone around them. If she said she was shocked when she heard about they had married secretly she would be lying. These two had always been deeply in love and Loraine had never been one of of those Greens who seemed interested in bonding as many warders as she possibly could.  "I have even better news, actually. You see, my Counsel have decided not to accept my marriage papers as legitimate and have demanded that we hold a true noble wedding to placate the necessary judgments. Kynwric is quite perturbed by the idea of a noble wedding, but the attorneys will have nothing less than House Kilaine showing off for all the world to see. I have no family I can acknowledge outside these walls and, since you're the only family inside them that I have..." Jaydena blinked at the sudden tears that rushed to her eyes and did her best to conceal her moment of weakness as Loraine spoke again, "Will you stand with me in Carhien for our ever-so-proper noble wedding?" Jade blinked and than felt the tears run down her cheeks, "Well that did it." She muttered under her breath and thanked the light that her makeup woman, had finally created a lash darkner that didn't cause black streaks down her pale cheeks.


Jaydena pulled a cloth from her pocket and dabbed at her eyes, with her back turned she composed herself as the other two spoke and than turned back, "What leave the Tower? Actually get away from this gigantic structure?" She laughed and than spoke again, "I would be honored to stand with you my dear. Just as you have stood by me since you came back and many times before that. We are Sisters after all, and I am so happy to see the two of you together. Any idea when this will be taking place, I am looking forward to planning this journey and taking a vacation." Her mind had already started to run forward to who would be taking her duties while she was gone, what she needed to take with her, what kind of gift she should get the two of them, what Cairhien looked like these days, and many more things...


Jaydena Mckanthur

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  • 1 month later...

Loraine sighed and looked down at her ring as it glinted from her finger. "Since they insisted on this monstrosity of a wedding, I'm letting them plan it. They should be contacting me about details soon, though. If I know them, they'll be focused on making it as big and splashy as possible. That's how my grandfather would've done it and I don't doubt for a second that they've taken up the charge to make House Kilaine a major power in Carhien."


Her lips twisted disdainfully and she raised her eyes to Jade's again, a little light dancing in their deep blue depths. "They're determined to make me a proper force to be reckoned with and don't believe that my sword or my warder are enough to do that. Can you imagine me telling Kynwric that?"


She laughed and shook her head, trying to imagine Kyn's reaction. He wouldn't explode. He'd just shrug his shoulders and quietly set about making sure they didn't forget he was a force to be reckoned with. "I'm having enough fun imagining him in full, formal Carhien dress, as it is!"



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  • 5 weeks later...

Jaydena watched closely as Loraine looked down at the ring on her finger and she rubbed the spot on her own finger where her beloveds ring used to be. There were days she missed that ring and what it had symbolized but the very thing it has symbolized to her hadn't meant the same to the person that wore the other side of it. In fact that very person had chosen to embrace the Shadow rather than be with her, so she couldn't say the ring had meant more than the material it was made of to that person.  "Since they insisted on this monstrosity of a wedding, I'm letting them plan it. They should be contacting me about details soon, though. If I know them, they'll be focused on making it as big and splashy as possible. That's how my grandfather would've done it and I don't doubt for a second that they've taken up the charge to make House Kilaine a major power in Carhien." Jaydena chuckled and watched the other woman, she could only imagine what they were going to do to the poor woman. It ought to be fun to see in fact, and fun to help Loraine defy their wishes as much as she could.



"They're determined to make me a proper force to be reckoned with and don't believe that my sword or my warder are enough to do that. Can you imagine me telling Kynwric that? I'm having enough fun imagining him in full, formal Carhien dress, as it is!" She burst out laughing at the thought and grinned at Loraine, "Oh my goodness, that is going to be quite the sight to see! I can only imagine what he is going to say to that order." She laughed again, "I am so glad I will be there to see him and the look on his face when he marries you. I am so happy for you Loraine, I can't think of a better for this to happen to. Even if it does involve massive amounts of politics and posturing. It will still be an interesting trip there with all of us and an interesting stay. Plus do you know how long it's been since I left the Tower for anything but my duties." She shuddered and smiled at the other woman, for she understood better than many.


Jaydena Mckanthur

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Loraine laughed and nodded at Jade's observation. "I don't believe the city's ever seen the like and I pray it remains standing long enough to see it again!"


"It will be a lot of fun to spend the time thinking of something other than battles and death, I think. Though, I admit I feel a little guilty taking this little holiday when we're needed so badly. If I didn't think we were due a little time to find joy in our lives, I wouldn't suggest it." She looked at the three sisters standing around here and smiled. "But we have been working quite hard the past few years and I know I'm feeling the strain of it."



(this was a horrible reply and I apologize. My creative juices are just not flowing tonight. I promise the next one will be better!)

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  • 1 month later...

OOC: Lor/Jade lemme know if this is okay. I think we are still in the Vault. I can't read very well on the computer I'm on.  :-[ So if anything needs to be different just tell me. :)



Rasheta watched the interaction between Jaydena and Loraine. She, herself had never thought that she would get married, at least not since Adrian, he had asked and she had said yes but he'd died before they had been able to do anything about it. Rasheta was still thinking of her lost Warder when she heard something Loraine told Jaydena.


"They're determined to make me a proper force to be reckoned with and don't believe that my sword or my warder are enough to do that. Can you imagine me telling Kynwric that? I'm having enough fun imagining him in full, formal Carhien dress, as it is!"


She laughed softly it would be amusing enough telling HER warders that they would have to dress nicely. She would probably have to go shopping with them and THAT would be an experience she may never want again. Neither man would be thrilled about shopping. Well Dante might he was just devious enough to try and embarrass her while they were out. Although she did think that Visar would be easier to embarrass then she would be. It would be an interesting challenge for Dante she was sure. Loraine was looking at all of the sisters now and she said.


"But we have been working quite hard the past few years and I know I'm feeling the strain of it."


Rasheta nodded her head and responded before Jaydena could. "I think a wedding will be a good way for us to enjoy ourselves without worrying to much about what is going on in the rest of the world. Although," She added with a smile. "I do not play the Game of Houses well I think it will amuse everyone to see me try." She laughed and hugged Loraine again. "I wish you the best sister. Hopefully this will not end in the same tragedy my first love did." She paused and forced a smile back on her face. "I am sorry that was rude on such a glorious day as this pray forgive me. Do you know when you are set to be married?"

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OOC: Works for me! :D



Loraine returned Rasheta's embrace and smiled softly. "You cannot offend an old woman, my dear, so there is nothing to forgive. I believe Kyn and I have been through enough to write our own tragedy, though I'm pleased to say it seems to have a happy ending. Perhaps we all have to survive the tragedy to appreciate the glory of our happy endings?"


She looked around at her sisters and couldn't keep the smile from springing back up again. "I wish I could go with you when you drag those warders around for clothing! I find it difficult to believe it wouldn't be a great bit of fun watching them trying to avoid the finery!"




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