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The Seanchan


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Guest Majsju

I don't see Thom's reaction as especially strong. Rather a good way for someone extremely skilled in the game of houses to reassure Selucia and Tuon that he knows the significane of what he just saw, and that the secret is safe with him.


An important part of Selucia's function as bodyguard is that noone can know about her. She's supposed to be "just" a maid, not a bodyguard so skilled at fighting hand-to-hand that she probably can stand her ground against the average Aiel. We know that she did fight, since she's bleeding.


And we know that there's an extremely small chance of anyone channeling, Mat would have jumped ten meters in the air if he had felt the medallion get cold in a place where noone is supposed to be channeling. If someone had channeled, in Mat's mind it must have been either one of the Aes Sedai travelling with him, and we've seen what he thinks about that. Or someone he doesn't know about, and therefore might be up to something he won't like.

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OK. OK. OK. Tuon didn't channel. That idea was incorrect. I was flat out wrong. My initial impression has been demonstrated as incorrect. I fully subscribe to the idea that it was Selucia's fighting ability that Thom was referring to.


Lol, relax. We ain't jumping on you... we just have a terrible tendency to be systamatic in our opinions.


Ignore it. We're all freinds here.

  • 1 month later...

small not. Egwene will be saved ( if we see it) by eagenin(sp?) she is starting to fit the description plus she already knows and like elayne and nynaeve and those 2 are kinda joined at the hip with Egwene plus shes the only Seanchan who likes an aes sedai and she has already helped them once




I disagree. It is my thought that the dream of a woman whose face shifts constantly, and whose sword is the most significant aspect of her, relates to the Seanchan army. The image is given its femininity by the fact that their ultimate leader is a woman, its shiftability by the presense of all members in that army playing a part, and the significance of the sword in its nature as an army.


Specifically i believe that the Seanchan will attack Tar Valon. Then after fighting to a stand still, the beginings of Tarmon Gaidon will involve a massive trolloc assault on Tar Valon. At this time the Aes Sedai will hold the part of the city that is the most hard pressed. The Seanchan will not involve themselves. Then Tuon having rached an alliance with Rand will arrive to stop the Seanchan assault. They will discover the Aes Sedai on the verge of defeat, and she will lead the Seanchan against the Shadowspawn, breaking the assault.


Additionally the comment 'we can make it together' implies to me that both will be at risk, that the Aes Sedai will be the most hardpressed, but if they fall so will the Seanchan.

I believe the first interaction we will see between the Seanchan and the Westlanders in AMoL will be the attack on the Tower. I do not know how that will play out but I expect the AS to win.


This fight will shock both the Seanchan (the AS too) and I believe that when she hears of it Tuon will be more ameniable to a truce and alliance of convience with Rand. She will probably think of it like Stalin and Hitler thought of their nonagression pact.


After that they will fight TG which will be increadably bloody and weaken all participating parties' date=' but due to Tuon precarious position, three conquered countries behind her and her homeland in chaos she will accept an extended truce afterwards. The peace will be precarious, and we will probably not see more than that.[/quote']


Considering that the Seanchans have a few truck loads of forkroot and that the White Tower is in internal chaos, I really don't think the Aes Sedai will win, even more so due to the 3 oaths.


The Aes sedai are not actually as weak as they appear. The rebels are ready and prepared for attack, with systems worked out to bring everyone including the novices into circles within moments of being attacked. They have knowledge of inverting weaves, disguising the ability, travelling, and numerous other ability that we have seen to be massively adventagous in a battle (concider that Alivia barely survived her confrontation with Cyndane despite the fact that she was much stronger, well trained in the arts of battle, and wearning Ny's ter'angreal.)


Concider too that an attack on the Rebels would not be easily carried out. They are out in the open, and at best the Seanchan can martial a force of 12,000. Within the city, with the aid of damane, those numbers are siginificant enough to represent a threat, but outside in open confrontation with a numerically suprior force...


In addition, the rebels and Tar Valon both have a water supply that is pretty hard to contaminate with forkroot, the river Erinin. I doubt forkroot will play a signifigant role in this battle, especially with the way Perrin depleted the Seanchan's reserves while Tuon was out of town.


Yeah, and then theres all the angreal, sa'angreal, ter'angreal that the tower has. And lets not forget the value of linking against a force that by all indications does not know how (and indeed, given the nature of the a'dam, may not be able to). And finally there are going to be roughly around 60 Asha'men in the area... not all of them are trustworthy, but they would be brought into circles at the first sign of an attack. Its why the Aes Sedai agreed to seek them out in the first place.


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