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There is no right or wrong, Good or Evil.


It is all a matter of perspective.


What is good for one person, will invariably be bad for another.


There is no clear cut line between good or evil in most cases. There are simply certain things we view as unjust, wrong, or outright evil.


For example, if a man raped a woman, I would view that as unjust. Wrong. An act of evil.


If I killed that man, I would see what I have done as just. Right. An act of Good.


However, maybe that man has a family. His family is likely to view what I have done as evil. I have murdered a man that could very well be a father. He has children. They don't understand why I have delivered their father into the hands of death. They see what I have done as evil, not knowing that their father has received justice by my hands, or what I see as justice. They think I am a monster. They grow to hate me. In turn, they lash out at those around them, maybe. The cycle continues and they move into adulthood as jaded individuals, because their father committed an act of evil, in my eyes, and I reacted with what I perceive to be a justifiable act, which is taking his life in return for the life he ruined.


As I said, it is all a matter of perception.


While many others would view what I have done as Good and Just, others would not see it this way. People with no affiliation to the man I murdered would cry out for justice, saying that since I took another's life, I should be punished.


Some of us divide the world into black and white. Good and Evil. Wrong and Right. I am one of those people.


If I see a man hit a woman, I will break him physically. Without a second thought. Without a single regret. He could have been the most down to earth, nicest guy ever. But he made a mistake and struck a woman, likely in a very emotional state. The fact that I saw it happen though, makes him evil in my eyes, and I will react according to my perspective of the world. What he did was wrong in my eyes. And everything I do to him, every pain I inflict on his body, will be, in my eyes, completely justified.


Our perspective on life tends to be the sum of our experiences. We are constantly redefining our views based on how we interact with the world. This is a fact, not an opinion.


Most people have a wide gray area in their perspective which allows them to turn a blind eye to what would enrage many of us. I have very little gray area and it has always been this way for me. I am a product of my life experiences and my environment. My father is the same way, and my grandfather was the same way as well. My brother is also the same. It is something instilled in us from birth and honed through life. We are taught what is acceptable and unacceptable. What we perceive to be Good and Evil. Wrong and Right. Just and Unjust.


That reminds me of Terry Pratchett's going postal, where the main character is told that he had killed 3.4 people since he was a conman that stole peoples money, therefore all the events that occur because of it equaled killing 3.4 people


I haven't read that one yet.



I am not a God, therefore I shall adhere to my own moral standards.


I don't follow your logic there.


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