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Should I re-read the series now? Anyone else done this?


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I started reading these books back in 1992 or 93, when I was still in High School, and they have been with me most of my Adult life.  I used to have a mind like a steel trap, but now that I am in my Mid 30's, I find myself forgetting a lot about this series, even the events that occurred in the last book which I read about 3 1/2 years ago.  Up to now, I have read each new book as it has come out, and been able to keep up, or refresh my memory as they have come out and am usually good to go by the middle of the book as all the major plot threads have been detailed..  I am up to speed with them.. I worry about this one..  I cannot remember names of minor characters.. etc..


I wonder if anyone else has chosen to re-read the series from scratch, and how it went for them..?  These are long books..  I could do this now, but am more wondering.. Is there a place on the net that has pretty detailed summaries of the books on the web, so that I can give myself a decent refresher before I jump into these new ones..


Will add..  I just finished Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn Trilogy.  What a series..  I wanted more at the end, even though it had a splendid ending.. just could not let go..  I am extremely excited that he is taking over WOT.. 


Anyways, this is getting a bit scattered..  Just mainly want thoughts on the re-read.. if beneficial, or if there is a site that can be visited that gives better than avg summary of events.. would be good.. thanks!!


I've re-read the series at least 3 or 4 times, maybe more I don't really keep track. Usually when a new book is coming out and I have the last 4 (I think not counting TGS) in hardcover but since my copies of EotW and FoH both fell apart since the last one came out this time I cheated and only re-read KoD.


I've read all of them including New Spring and the Big White Book four times each.  I've read all of them up through Lord of Chaos for a fifth time and am reading about Dumai's Wells at present.  I read the first four times in marathon fashion.  This re-read is a few pages each day.


Your question is a matter of personal preference and time available.  Personally, I get something new to savor each day.


The problem that you face is trying to fit it all in before you start the new book.  I don't get onto the internet other that Dragonmount so I can't offer any help there.  You might try skimming?  Pick up one of the books and leaf through it quickly reading a few lines here and a few there.  The problem will be keeping it down to a few lines without getting drawn in to the part that you're reading.








Thanks for the replies folks..  You sort of hit it on the head..  The problem is, do I want to re-read the entire thing again before I read this new book - The gathering storm, which I now own.. Can I wait?  Must I wait?  I truly cannot remember all of the happenings in the last book, where it left off.. and the part of me that wants to dive into this new book, is big, but I given the current mental gaps to the story...


I am one of those who wept when I discovered Jim died.  For me it was a late discovery.  I lead a busy life, and did not find out about it, until I was searching for the release date of the new book sometime in mid 2008.  It was like a big crashing wave hitting me.. There is something extremely nostalgic about all of this, even romantic, and my heart strings were pulled on hard by the incident. Shit, they still are.  The descriptions of his last days as he toiled to finish this massive work and provide direction to the one who would take over for him.. I cannot put it into words, but it is immense. I have this feeling now as I write, that it would be good to re-read first, so that I can approach the new work not only with a clear picture of what came before, but also, to put sort of a fitting end to the body of work that was Robert Jordan...  We shall see if I can actually do it..


Thanks for the replies..


I've reread this series now 7 times, and I think a good full reread can really help put you in the world. This book is odd cause it's written by a different author, so if you come off reading 12 books by one author you notice the differences, and if you don't reread you might not notice as much, don't know. If you decide not to do a reread but just want summaries the BEST place to do that is the Encyclopedia-wot site here: http://www.encyclopaedia-wot.org/


I'm a bit conflicted too. I started my re-read late and I'm only half way through book 5 right now.  :(

I really want to get stuck in to TGS, but I can't make myself skip 6 books. There's a lot of info I don't remember from the last few books which I last read back around 2005/early '06.


I guess I'll just plow through :).


    I have re-read the series or listened to it numerous times but my mind is like a sive, I can't remember my kids names much less the Maidens of the Spear. Until book 9 came out I tried to re-read the series completely, but it is so big that I've now just went with the last book out before the new one. I have set a goal that I will read the entire series all the way through before the final book comes out.


I’ve re-read it twice now and plan to read it again soon (finishing up another series at the moment).


I am like you in that I forgot a lot of what had happened so found myself reading it yet again. But then I ran into the same problem again when it was 2+ years between books. So I just told myself I’ll read the whole thing again when the series is done or the last book is coming out. 


But now that the next (and final) two books are only going to be a year apart, I think that is short enough time frame in remembering the previous books and I can start it up again.



If you want a quick summary, here you go:




Each chapter is summarized in a few paragraphs.


This is a nice link, however, it stops with LOC...  What I was really after is a good summary of say the last 2 books..  The encyclopedia link that was posted before is helpful, but not quite helpful enough..  Therefore, I am reading from scratch..  maybe the 13th book will be close to out by the time I finish reading these things again..  I am doing it on audio book, as I no longer have time to sit and read (sigh).  However, I drive an awful lot, and this will make a great companion in my travels..


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