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*Wafts Chili Around the Stedding*


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;D Ok, how are my wolfies doing? Anyone need anything? Anybody stuck or have a problem? Everyone updating their training threads?


It's too quiet around here and I'm partly to blame for that, I know. So... show of hands, who's here and what are you up to?  :)

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Want to RP with Rhya? She'll be going Ranger too and doesn't have far to go to get raised to wolfsister. No idea what mind you but she should really get to know another Ranger apart from Owen lol. Up to you.  :)

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<Runs in smelling chili> I smell chili!


<Is run over by Forest Shadow, who also smells chili. Forest sits on top of Winter's back wagging her tail and giving Tay puppy dog eyes that say "Food ;D">


Jokes aside, I am still here, and I think....and I mean I THINK my training thread for swords is done, I am not sure Owen never said it was done or not :P


I is open to any open threads people might start, as currently Winter is stuck in RP limbo since the Stedding hasnt had anything open to him...then again I -could- of made a thread of my own..<Goes on rambleing in this general direction>


Err....yah....chili <Gives Tay pupydog eyes next to Forest>

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LOL *passes over two generous helping of chili*


You could always jump in on Jozan's arrival thread hun. I believe Asfaloth said it was open to everyone once Kara's Sage has posted.  :) I'll check out the weapons lesson and see what stage it's at.

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You tay?


I cannot believe it*ggls*


Okies, so we need an rp for the Rangers, yes? If so then give me a couple of days to think on this.


Do you guys have anything you would like the rp to cover?

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Well it's nice to see you here again. What was your WK character's name? We do have a partial archive of bios but it depends how long ago it was. We'd certainly love to have you RP again. :)


*hands over a bowl of chili*



Winter, that was Tai.  :) I think he got caught up in RL and never got round to continuing the story after our initial thread about it.

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Well, when I get the time to seriously rp again instead of just post posting on OOC boards and planning.......Burrich's companions are having puppies so that could be a nice fun oppurtunity to get people to celebrate ic and get to know each other.....maybe.

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i need to prood around my external harddrive somewhere on there i got a map on the wolves, the webpage aint mine and the person who had it is gone so its falling apart


for a period there was at least a handfull active cubs around in training and whatnot ..it was an active enough subgroup for a time

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