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hello from a little thread in a very big Pattern


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"No one can tell how the thread of his own life will be woven into the Pattern...."  - Loial, in the very first book


That's true, and beyond all denial. Sometimes a small, seemingly inconsequential task turns out to be part of something really big. 


On a particular day in 2007, I was looking for something to comfort my friend Harriet.  Yep, that Harriet. I had come to Charleston for the funeral, and was missing my friend Jim so much, and was wanting to do whatever I could to help Harriet and everyone else through the sad time. So I went out to the back and got on one of the computers in the room above where Jim wrote.  (Um. Should I go back and put "RJ" there? I'm just so used to thinking of him as Jim. Please to translate as needed, OK? Thanks.) 


Anyhow, I knew that Maria and Alan and Marcia and other folks were printing out some of the tributes people were writing about Robert Jordan and the Wheel of Time.  I figured I could help with that, and decided the best thing to do was to look for such things in the places where they wouldn't necessarily be looking. Which is how I found a particularly beautiful and heartfelt eulogy -- or I guess I should say EUOLogy -- written by someone whose name was unfamiliar to me.


As I read it, I had this feeling that I should print this out and go put it in Harriet's hands. Not add it to the stack of things, though those were definitely appreciated and read by people in the house, including Harriet. Not put off printing it until after this or that or the other thing. No, I felt with a calm clarity that I was supposed to do this thing right now, to print it and carry it to Harriet and say, "I think you should see this."


It was like something told me that this needed doing, and I was there, so I should go do it. That maybe sounds kind of spooky or over-dramatic, but that's really how it was. And whatever it was, it was a good thing; if you'd felt that feeling, you'd have said the same. At the time, I didn't say a word to Harriet or anyone else there about the rest of the feeling.I did tell a friend in strictest confidence shortly afterwards; I felt like I had to tell somebody, in case the thing the rest of the feeling was about turned out to be true.


It did.


I posted a little thing in my LiveJournal about it here.http://elisem.livejournal.com/1518928.html


But there's one part of the story I have not told yet, and I wanted to tell it somewhere, and it seems like you folks are the best and most fitting gathering to tell it to first.  Because it's really about you, in a way: you, and the rest of the Wheel of Time fans.  And the piece I haven't told before now is this: I wasn't a Wheel of Time fan.


No, I don't mean I didn't like it; I mean that I hadn't started reading it yet. I knew about the books -- hey, anybody who visited Jim and Harriet's wonderful house and walked down the stairs next to the gorgeous paintings from the covers every morning on the way to breakfast couldn't help knowing -- but I was waiting for something before I started. 


I was waiting for my friend to finish the final volume.


My plan was to read the whole thing in one glorious sequence. Maybe that was silly, but there it is. So when Jim died, I was doubly sad. He was gone, and his glorious story's final book was seemingly gone as well.


But I figured I'd better stop sniffling and go do something useful. So I went out to the back and got on the computer in the room above where Jim wrote....


Anyhow, that's the thing I haven't told anybody online before now. And since I will be coming down to Charleston for the book release, and since it really finally feels real to me now, I have started reading the WoT.  I'm almost done with the first book.  The others are stacked on the bedside table, and it's going to take some real self-discipline to make sure I get enough sleep between now and when I travel. So there's my little piece of backstory on the saga of the twelfth book of the series.  I happened to be in the right place at the right time to be useful for an errand, is how I feel about it. I didn't do anything big. I just carried the message when it needed to be carried.


Oh. One more thing. You know how I said up there that I wasn't a Wheel of Time fan?  Well, I am now.  Which is why I am here posting this. I am very glad to be in the company of people who love my friend's work. Thanks for being here.



Elise Matthesen

  • Moderator

Welcome to Dragonmount, Elise. We're honored to have you here, especially after you did such a big favor for all of us. See you soon!




For some reasion, my generic, "Welcome to Dragonmount" greeting does not seem to fit here...


First, all I can think to say is the over used line of, "I am sorry for you loss." For though it was a loss to us all, I think it was a loss more to you then anyone here (Besides perhaps Jason or RJ's (Jim) Wife) And then I haveto say thank you for joining, because it is good to see a new face around these parts, more so to see someone who is just discovering the Wheel of Time books (If not the story) for it is something of a wonder to see someone discover it for the first time.


That out of the way, welcome to the communty :D I hope you have a wonderful time around here. If you have any questions at all, it would be my honor to answer them, or if I am unable to answer then I will point you in the direction of someone who can.


Again, welcome to Dragonmount :D


Welcome to DM Elise, a quick note, if you want to avoid spoilers during the rest of your initial read-through, avoid the General Wheel of Time discussion board, as there'll be spoilers abound up to book 11. There are threads in the structured discussion dedicated to each book so that you can avoid too many spoilers.


If you've got any questions about any of the rest of the site, the stickies at the top of this forum should help navigate where you need to go, or you can send me a private message and I'll make sure you get the best answer you can get.


I have to tell you sweetie, that I am so very thankful that you were there for Harriet and that you made this wonderful suggestion. We all look forward to reading the next book and he's an amazing writer. RJ would be honored I think. Thank you for joining Dragonmount and telling us that wonderful story.

  • 4 months later...

Hey, I just stopped by to say hello again, and to say that I am reading book 7, and enjoying the story a lot and also missing Jim a lot, so it's bittersweet, but still it's so good.


I'm glad you folks are here; I'm going to try to check in more often. Maybe every time a certain box arrives in the mail could be a reminder. Hmm, did I tell that story yet? The one about Brandon's thank-you?


Anyhow, hi, again!


It looks like I didn't say "hello" when you first stopped by, so a belated hello! ;D Hope you are enjoying the site.


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