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If you could design a ter'angreal for our world


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If you could design a ter'angreal to use not in Randland, but in our world, what kind of ter'angreal would you make?


I would make a weight loss ter'angreal. All you would have to do is hold it while you do just one workout, and you can lose as much weight as you desire during that time. Just think, if you want to lose 20 pounds before your class reunion, you only have to use the ter'angreal the night before to accomplish what you want. No diets or anything! :)


I would have a ter-angreal that could make music play everywhere around you. Step into a room and bang! Music to dance to. Also, as an addition it would make everyone dance too. That would be fun.



  • Moderator

I would like one that I put homework in one end and it pops out the other freshly graded for me. And it would be nice if it would record my grades for me in PowerSchool. I hate grading papers.

Guest Majsju

One that works as a Bartender-in-the-box of course :D


I would have a terangreal that would allow perfect transformation of the physical form right down to the genetic level allowing you to change any single aspect or the whole body at any time to any other form. No pain, no strain and instantaneous. Nothing physically imagined is offlimits, however, to change size you would need to either consume matter/energy or expel it...perhaps expend heat or energy when shrinking. That would take care of weightloss and any physical imperfections we all have.


I would like one that emits an electric shock of various power to the person on the other end of your phone line.


Can you tell I work in a call center? :twisted:


rofl, well I really like the music one, but I'd ahve to add that it makes it looka s if you're going through a music video ;) and as for the form change one, you'd often find me as one of three animals other than my normal self: wolf, owl, or eagle.


but I'd like ony where you can enter any book and you can either become a character already in there or a completely new character. you also wouldn't have to follow what was written, kinda make it your own creation.I've alwasy wanted to be able to do that! :D :D :D :D :D


I'd make one that brainwashes warring/angry people into liking one another.


Either that, or it'd bop the entire Middle East over the head with a Huge Wet noodle until it just gave up and begged for mercy, thereby causing everyone to ceasefire and life to go on.


Oh! And I'd make one that made my curly hair straight when I wanted it to be straight. I'm hopeless with a straighteneing iron!


hmmm nothing world changing. I would create one that would cure all the diseases (cancer,AIDS,common cold, etc etc) one that would act like the one in Far Madding but would have a golbal effect. So in essence cure world disease


A matter replicator. It would cure the gas crisis, world hunger, and supply shortages, and that's just on a global level. :) The possiblities are endless.

  • 2 weeks later...

In Australia at the moment, we could really do with a bowl of winds - we have a major drought happening, and we could do with some nice even rainfall, say a few hours each day for the next six months to a year?? And then to channel some heavy rain specifically to the bushfires when the summer comes...




I, personally, could really use one to help me get perfect grades. But, on the other hand, I want one that would let me shoot fireballs, fly, become invisible, lift ridiculously heavy objects, and turn into a wolf.


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