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The Praise Talya Thread

Toy and Minion

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I hope it makes her day, she deserves things like that!  I know life isn't perfect, and she probably needs a boost as much as the next person. :)


I don't about NOW, but they were in the beginning.  Just because of the inevitable which Talya really had no control over: cutting off the offsites from DM.  Most of the people that attacked her don't even come to DM anymore anyways.  And the offsite board is going to stay running, just not part of DM.


She didn't deserve it.  It all would have happened anyways.  Talya was just their scapegoat.  >:(


Yes, but the Band thing was more understandable as Corki told them all at first that they were going to fight it and keep the offsite running.  But then Corki decided to merge back into DM.  Pissed off a lot of people, because it meant the Band offsites are going to just be an archive.


For she's a jolly good gal

For she's a jolly good gal

For she's a jolly good gal

Which nobody can deny

Which nobody can deny

Which nobody can deny

For she's a jolly good gal

For she's a jolly good gal

For she's a jolly good gal

Which nobody can deny!





Taht about sume me up when i read this. You are all awesome, you have no idea how much that picked me up. I love you all to bits. I think we have the best Org around, and THAT is down to it's wonderful and magnificent members


*grabs you all in the biggest and cuddliest of hugs*


I'm speechless, well almost. all there is to do is...



:-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*


And 10 points for everyone in this thread, with an extra 5 for meesh and Dsage...



I'm feeling good. You certainly know how to pick me up when I'm not well.. ;D


Anybody who truly served the Dark Lord *squints and looks around nervously* I meant the Dark One would join the light. No self resepecting truly evil genious would join a one man team!  ;D


This Org is definitely amazing, because I, like El, like everyone in it as well.  Which is pretty rare among the Orgs.  I like a LOT of people, but not EVERYONE (:(), but here, I DO like everyone.



Anybody who truly served the Dark Lord *squints and looks around nervously* I meant the Dark One would join the light. No self resepecting truly evil genious would join a one man team!  ;D

Poor Pale, if everyone follows that logic, he'll be alone forever.







Poor Pale, if everyone follows that logic, he'll be alone forever.


I called him Pale....






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