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End of the Summer

Toy and Minion

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I didn't say it was the American LANGUAGE.


It's the Americanized English, which has as many variations and dialects as British English does.



It's only called English because it's predominantly comprised of the language of the English, but we have so many differences over here. ;)


It would be like saying you speak Liverpudlian then, you speak the language (English) and you have accents and direlects which are specific0 but you speak  to different areas. So you don't speak American (becuase it isn't a language) But you speak an American direlect of English  ;D


It's called English becasue it is English, the odd changed words do not change that, the rules, the meaning and words are all the same, with the odd difference in spelling.


Well, that's essentially true, I guess.  My biggest thing has just been that Americans have so many different versions of English, and is so different, that it seems like it's not exactly the same thing.


And it's not, but you're right about the rules and most of the meanings being the same.  Grammar is essentially the same, spelling is usually the same, but we don't just have "the odd changed words," we have words that you guys don't use for the same thing at all, and words that you guys don't even use. :P


I'll agree that you're right about it still being the same language. :D


I still don't like to be connected to Brits through language like that, though. :P


Why not, it's part of your heritdge whether you like it or not. You have the language of your forefathers that came over from Britain ;D


So what is so bad about the Brits? :-\ I thought I would edit this and add a :( )


First off, none of my forefathers were from Britain, that I know of.  If they were, they're from the dark screwed-up genealogy that my mom and I don't know anything of. :P :D


But, there's nothing wrong with Brits.  It's just nice to imagine that we are slightly unique like that.




I don't really know why I feel so strongly that American English and British English should be separate, to be honest.  I really don't know. :D


But now I'm thinking about patriotism and America and the Constitution and it's making me sad. :(


Being Patriotic is nothing to feel sad about.


Of course you are unique. Just becasue we have the same lahguage, we have different cultures in some ways. You have had influence from a lot of immigrants, not just the Brits and Irish, but Spainish, mexico Africa. And that mix has made you unique. the same as we are Unique from Europe. We are nothing like the Europeans, which comes from being an Island.


It's nice to share common things and celebrate them but also tho celebrate your own uniqueness.


As inForefathers, I didn't mean yours as in just you, but as in Tthose which settled first. They brought the English language there. Think yourselves lucky, you could be speaking French... >.> ;)


Being Patriotic is nothing to feel sad about.


As inForefathers, I didn't mean yours as in just you, but as in Tthose which settled first. They brought the English language there. Think yourselves lucky, you could be speaking French... >.> ;)

Oh, I'm not sad about being Patriotic.  In fact, being truly patriotic is what makes me sad.  It's because I LOVE this country so much, and I LOVE what it stands for, and what it's SUPPOSED to be.  But in truth, America is not everything it was supposed to be, and that's not because the Founding Fathers set their goals too high.  It's because Americans have gotten lazy and self-serving, and most only cared about what sounded easiest or most right to them.  So America has been deteriorating as a country for a long time.  I'm just one of many people who feel this way, and there are people who speak out for the Constitution and returning more power to the States, but more people in America are happy with what's happened.  They do NOT care about the country the way they say they do, or think they do.


I'm so glad I don't speak French; I hate that language. :P


I wouldn't mind being a Mexican-Spanish speaker, though. ;)


I would love to speak Spainish. It's a beautiful language, but alass, me and languages don't get on :(


I understand what you are saying now. I don't think that that is just true of america, I would say it is true here too. People like to sprout the things that they ought, but they don't do what they preach type thing.


Thre are a lot of things I don't like over here. And there are times (a lot) when i would rather live elsewhere, but I'm English at heart and it is hard to get that out of myself, despite not being happy with my country.


As long as you adhere to what you believe Meesh, then there is still hope, and there are others like you. Those just don't have such a loud voice because they are the ones that work hard and get on with tthings. The loud ones luckily aren't so abundance, they are just good at making a lot of noise.


Keep believing. *hugs*




Thanks, Talya.  That really helps me feel better about things. :)


You should be an inspirational speaker! :D


No, you did really well that one time...  I have it saved in my inbox, along with a heckuva lot of other PMs. :D


You're both naturals!


We were talking about the elections, although it was February already... Talking about capitalism and patriotism and the constitution, etc.


A quote from "that one time."


In a way, I think this is all good.  Sometimes, when you're making something good, you have to tear it up, and start over.  If we truly believe in the Constitution and all that, as a people, then we will see America rise from the ashes reborn, and stronger than ever!

You do better than I do!  I just ramble on and on and on and on about absolutely nothing interesting.....



I still thought it was cute. :P


Americans mucked up the English language, what's the matter with you? :P


Ha, I'm only kidding. ;D


Seriously though, I spent 19 years of my life talking like an American (never had a strong dialect according to hubby) and then I moved to Britain, picked up the accent and all the nuances and now you'd never be able to tell I wasn't born in Britain. Funny I hear Americans talk on the telly and it sounds really weird to me, kinda... I don't how to put it.... flat and bland I suppose. :-\


I can understand that. :D 

For the record, I love different accents.  Some American accents are interesting, but I don't LIKE them, necessarily.  My favorite accent is the Scottish brogue. :P  LOVE it. :D


But our accents are all regional; some people are going to talk differently.  The Amish that live not too far from my town, they speak with a German accent.  People from Utah speak a little bit differently from people in Iowa (I've known people from Utah; I'm not just making generalizations! :P).


But all of our accents are kind of watered down from all the countries that contributed people to America. :D


We have many accents here, considering it is so small. if you talk to some one with a thick accent it can be hard to understand what they are saying. I don't like all accents neither, some sound better on men, Liverpudlian sounds better on men and cheap on women. The Brummie accents makes everyone sound a bit thick, and so does the west country accent. The scottish accent is lovely I agree Meesh, but if you meet a Glaswegian, you probably wouldn't be able to understand him, I prefer the east coast of scotland more...accent wise! and those from London always sound likr thay are about to Con you  :D


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