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House - Mondays 8/7 central. (Spoilers?)


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I disagree with the run of the mill comment.


Why?  A run of the mill episode goes like this.


1. A Patient collapses

2. House knows the answer right off and gets bored.

3. He makes snarky comments at his people.

4. 15 minutes into the show his first diagnosis is wrong.

5. They start treating for something even though they are not sure it is right.

6. 30 minutes... this is when he does something drastic but still comes up baffled.

7.  50 minutes... he is talking to someone and he gets that look in his eye and saves the day right before they start doing that last drastic thing.



Now there were elements of all that in this episode.  Here is where it falls off the tracks.


He isn't in the hospital.  Most of the episode is not about treating the patient.


So much happened in this episode.  Chase tells his wife that he killed that dictator.... and she looks disgusted.  House finally makes the move on Cuddy... and we find she is dating that cool PI.  Wilson tries to commit career suicide but House drugs him and takes his pants (ok, this happens often).


Good episode.

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  Wilson tries to commit career suicide but House drugs him and takes his pants (ok, this happens often).


and Houses snarky retort to Wilson berating him was priceless.



i thought this epi was great.  honestly, the season felt like it might be running a bit dry over the last 2 epis, and with this one alone it reved up the juice.


i honestly thoguht it was about time Chase told her, though i wouldn't call her look disgusted ... more of a shock "that came out of left field" type look.


i also dont think that was an end to the issue that wilsons paper brought up, either.  seems like something that might come back into play.


wounder if House will try to interfere with Cuddy and the PI, or if he will bide his time with Chase and Cameron...  after all, Cameron did used to have the hots for him

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  • 2 weeks later...

Eh, at this point I'm very unsympathetic to House. I think the shows are getting kind of formulaic and old. House is a jerk and he's being a jerky jerky. This is 4 seasons in and we havent exactly seen House DEVELOP as a character. There's periods where he's tried to change or said he's changed, but then he goes back to being a jerk. He's the main character of a show and he's supposed to be engaging. The jerk ass doctor thing can only be cool for so long, then something else has to happen.


Given that, the Mike Tomlin reference in the last ep was PRICELESS.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

so did you guys catch the new episode last night?? 


i wonder how long House will be bale to stay off the vicodin, he seems to be spiraling back down, especailly since it appears that he feels theres been no imporvements on his end.



the season finally looks really interesting.

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so did you guys catch the new episode last night?? 


i wonder how long House will be bale to stay off the vicodin, he seems to be spiraling back down, especailly since it appears that he feels theres been no imporvements on his end.


the season finally looks really interesting.

I enjoyed last night's episode.  My roommate (longtime House fan) didn't care for it and thought it was humorless, which I disagree with.  I agree that he's on a downward spiral after walking out on the shrink last night.  Can't believe the season finale is next week...

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  • 2 weeks later...

whats funny is that right before he says "how do i know i'm not hullicinating?"  i had asked "i wonder if he's hullicinating?"



my mom looked at me like i was nuts when i said it, cause she doesn't watch the show. and i had to chuckle when House echod my own question lmao

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