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Light vs Shadow - The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny!!!

Toy and Minion

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I'm a PERSON and my name is Ana--


Wait, wrong reply.


El says it nicely.  :D  I like her.  You should listen to her and my bribes.


Damn computer.  I don't know if I'm willing to put up with this crap first thing in the morning.


Now, DSage, how long has the BT been around?  I'm sure something would've happened by now, if it was going to.


Now, DSage, how long has the BT been around?  I'm sure something would've happened by now, if it was going to.


Oh, but it has.  You just don't remember.


C'mon people, it's not that hard to figure out.  Think of how Lews Therin didn't even notice the dead people he was walking on.  It's the first Prologue of the series.


Do you think that Zasha would have an easy time convincing people to let her be a Warder if this was so close to the books? :D


Or that they'd allow all those guys to be Aes Sedai?


Or, hm... how is it that females can channel Saidin here?




We have special dispensation for that Dsage.


Okay we are like the books...Rand cleaned saidin, so we won't go any madder, except the bit that is heriditory, but that is another story >.>


The way I see it, the DM Orgs are similar in some ways to what they're emulating, but not to such a degree that they're tied to the events that follow the books.


So, while saidin here still has the Taint, we're not forced to go crazy and kill everyone.  We do go crazy, but it's unnecessary to kill anyone, except in jest.  Balefiring's okay though, apparently. :P


It's like there's Warders and Aes Sedai, but men aren't restricted to being Gaidin and women aren't restricted to wearing the shawl, in the WT Org.


Like El said, the Orgs of DM have different rules from the books. :P


We'll see if Talya endorses me on this. ;)


Oh come on.  Then why would anyone choose the Shadow?  If what you say is true then why even have Light vs Shadow?  Might as well have everyone just Asha'man!  There has to be cons to going to the Light.  And that con is going mad from the taint and killing everyone!


*chokes DSage to death*


*runs around screaming and laughing and throwing pineapples at everyone while wearing underwear on her head*


Well, I guess we can lock up this thread, since DSage is dead and all.


Too bad I went mad and killed him.




Oh well.  At least I never have to see him post again.


I endorse meesh, we have our own brand of taint here. Occassioanly someone goes mad and kills someone *looks at Dsages body* But then what else could I use for the roses :)


The difference being the Light do everything in the nae of the light and the shadow follow the Dark One..


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