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What will be the Red Ajah's Purpose now ?

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Now that the male half of the source (Saidin) is clean what will the red ajah's function be now that men who can channel no longer go insane and do vastly destructive things ?


I think that several factors come into play here.

There is no longer any need for their services as there are no longer any dangerous wielders of the one power. They also have been bonding themselves to these men, so that certainly skews their view. They will have a desparate need to fill a power void in the tower. Once the other Ajahs begin to perceive them as useless they will lose a masive amount of credibility and respect. They can't live with that.

Here is my idea. Tell me what you think.


The Red Ajah would benefit greatly by remaining hunters but instead of capturing men who can channel they will capture all who abuse their power men AND women. This will be a significant issue in the new age because of Egwene's insistance that all women who can channel be trained. but, she stated that she not lower the standards on being raised to the shawl. this means thousands of women who are trained in the power but who are not bound by the three oaths. Also, now that the source is clear they will not be actively looking for men who can channel and they will begin popping up all over the place. This way the reds can be very useful to the tower as a sort of police force to capture and punish rogue users of the power. perhaps they will hand over the men they capture to the black tower for punishment?


I rather liked the idea that the Red Ajah would be those Aes Sedai charged with understanding and treating with the Black Tower - a sort of an ironic result from what the Ajah has attempted to accomplish for its lifetime.


Your idea does have some good ideas, and i'm sure either could occur


You got me thinking on a slight tangent when you mentioned the Three Oaths.


Now that Egwene, Nyn, Elayne, Theodrin (and Faolin, I think) have been raised to the shawl without swearing the Oaths and we know that the Oath Rod severely shortens the lives of channelers bound by it, does anybody else think that the use of the Oath Rod will be discontinued?


From the point of view of an individual channeler, why not train in the WT until you're ready to test for the shawl and then leave? You would still be able to practice the skills that you had already learned, you would live for a very long time (longer by far than the longest lived Aes Sedai) which would give you time to develope new skills.


So what if you didn't have access to the WTs resources. They are for the most part fragmentary and incomplete at best. Just a bunch of books that very few people understand to any degree and a pile of items whose original functions have been lost over the centuries. It seems to me that from a personal freedom and power point of view, I'd rather be unattached and un-bound.

You got me thinking on a slight tangent when you mentioned the Three Oaths.


Now that Egwene, Nyn, Elayne, Theodrin (and Faolin, I think) have been raised to the shawl without swearing the Oaths and we know that the Oath Rod severely shortens the lives of channelers bound by it, does anybody else think that the use of the Oath Rod will be discontinued?


Maybe you havent finshed the books or maybe your not thinking clearly. let me explain. Egwene already explained her idea for that. When aes sedai are ready to retire they reuse the oath rod to remove them of there oaths and they go to the kin. There for they will not die for awhile longerand they are still connected to the tower to help them.


Now on to red ajah purpose. I don't know and know else knows for certain of course but...I think Egwene will do somthing...diferent...since they all talk about a united tower I think she will remove ajahs and make one ajah of all purposes of the current ajahs,except maybe red, therefore they can stand united to help rand defeat the DO.


No, I've finished them. I just thnk the Egwene is starting them down the slippery slope towards the discontinuation of the use of the Oath Rod. In the AoL, only criminals were bound by it. It was a punishment, which they will find out when they question Semi (I think she mentioned it in one of the Forsaken meeting chapters). The Aes Sedai started doing it en masse to limit themselves and prove that they weren't a threat during the Trolloc Wars, I believe. Once TG is over, the AS and Asha'man may very well be counted as heroes and no longer feared and distrusted as much as they are at the current moment.


Frankly, I'd rather skip right over the Aes Sedai part and go straight to the Kin, if that's the choice.


Oh, and to get back on to the topic at hand, I also think that we are going down the path towards the disolution of the Ajahs completely. Again, in the AoL and Aes Sedai was an Aes Sedai, whether female or male, and and Ajah was just an informal group of Aes Sedai who generally had the same ideas around what and how things should be done.


I think things are headed back in that direction again.


It was during the war of a hundred years. Otherwise i more or less agree with your assessment. The oaths are a pointless thing.


What about this idea. The Red Ajah takes on the job of hunting down the black ajah. Would they abuse their power?


that brings about the problem of blacks in the reds


i do suppose they would be weeded out, but they can also cause trouble in the search


but that is a good idea mind


Maybe there could be different levels in the ajah. Like the more you catch the more you're trusted and the more power you're given. But that would probably cause innocent people to be named black. There would have to be a system and laws.


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