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Aran Corval Alandar

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I just don't think Jackson could have put the whole book in, and Tom Bombadil, was great but he could and was easily left out without ruining the plot.


I still haven't forgien LOTR for dropping Tom Bombadil...he was my favorite part of the books!

Yes, even though I know why they couldn't have him in there, and I respect that, I was gravely disappointed not to meet Tom Bombadil in movie form.  Although, maybe, since we love him so much, it was a blessing they didn't attempt to make him as wonderful as he is in the books.  Some things you just can't do justice to, and they didn't even have to try with Tom.  Which I'd consider a good thing. :D


And I've been thinking of doing a LOTR reread myself.  Since I finished a reread of WoT a month or so ago, so I don't need to force another one. :D


If I was seriously considering trying a reread, I'd be on Chapter 1 of EotW. ;D  So, no go.


I'll just stick with the Hitchhikers books.


Likewise. :D  I have to get caught up on schoolwork, and I have to continue with schoolwork, and I have to start looking for some source of income...


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