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Ask doctors if Stimulus is right for you! (PG-13, barely)

Toy and Minion

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My mom makes the best homemade chicken noodle soup.  It's about the only time I like cooked vegetables.  Otherwise, I can't stand them--I love fresh veggies.


I'll see what she says, but she doesn't usually use recipes. :P


:D  Except if she's making something she's never made before and it's for a special occasion.


My mom keeps telling me to "learn how to cook," but she just doesn't get it...


I HATE cooking.  I am perfectly capable of cooking, I can follow a recipe just fine, I can even bake a little, but I HATE it. 

I'm not to the level of experience/skill where I can tweak a recipe to make it better, but that would come with time and practice.

My mom thinks if I hate it so much I'll never be able to feed myself when I'm out on my own. ::)  I had to cook at the daycare I worked at, I had to make meals for the girls I babysat at, and I've made food for myself plenty of times.  Just because I HATE it doesn't mean I WON'T cook. :D


I only cook when I absolutely have to, and I never have to cook dinner (supper) at home because my mom cooks, my brother cooks, and my sister cooks, and they all like it.


It's one of those things that my mom keeps nagging me about unnecessarily. :P


lol, I can't say I love cooking. I have to be in the mood for it. But when I have to cook just for me and Heather is at the child minders I can get a little lazy and not bother.


I would love to be able to cook really well, but the I would need the time and the inclination to do it, there are just too many other things to do.


I shouldn't worry meesh as long as you know the basics and can do it if needed, that is good enough. so many people out there would burn baked beans. You mum should be thankful for that.  ;)


I'll tell her that. :D  She might come around eventually, who knows?


It IS funny, the things that people are capable of ruining when they cook.


My uncle burned milk, once, I don't know how, but he did.




It's definitely cheaper to buy in bulk, the way we do.  Groceries are more expensive for smaller groups of people, overall.  I mean, we still pay more in the end, because our family's so large, but we'd pay even MORE if we couldn't buy in bulk.


It's been worse, you know.  It really has.


But that's why I like biking and walking!  You don't have to pay for fuel!


Yeah, well, as for biking, I don't have a bike.  It was stolen by some Mexicans (yes, they were Mexican and it was them, they were the only one's who could have done it).




I don't have a bike either.  Well, we just picked up some free ones from the lady I used to babysit for.  But at the moment, no bike.


So I walk. ;D


I believe you. :D  It's fully possible! ;D


Unfortunately, there's really no way around that in this day and age.  You just have to hope that everyone around you knows what you mean. :D


There were these mean kids on the block, when I was in elementary school, who dressed like gang-bangers and that kind of thing.  They bullied my younger brother, and stole his bike twice (two different bikes) but we couldn't do anything about it because no one believed that it was them.  Stupid bullies.


And the thing about stereotypes...they're a generalization.  Meaning a good portion of the group in question does the "stereotype".


The thing is not to judge EVERYONE of the group by that stereotype.  But be cautious all the same, because the stereotype exists and...well...some of them do it, so...




Back to sliced noodles.


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