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Ask doctors if Stimulus is right for you! (PG-13, barely)

Toy and Minion

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I couldn't get it all done.


I found out my brother had a Doctor's appointment, so I had to wait on that, and then we went to the bank... they're holding most of my money until tomorrow evening, which means I only have $100 in my account that I can use.  So, since my mom had a paper route to do, and I can't purchase a freaking camera till tomorrow night anyway, I didn't go to Wal-Mart at all.


I did deposit my money and read the assignment for my communications class, though.  And refilled my phone account, so I can use it.


I hate being so competitive.  I was really depressed when I found out I can't get a camera today.


And off to class I go.  :'(


Because I put it in the stupid ATM.  The indoor lobby had just closed 10 minutes before, so the drive-thru window was swamped with people, and my mom was in a hurry, so I just went to the ATM instead.  Halfway through depositing my money, my mom suggested I go to the Walk-up Deposit window, but I didn't hear her.


Basically, because it's in the ATM, they have to hold everything over 100 dollars until they pull the deposit envelope out of the machine and verify that I actually put money in there.




It was irritating.  I forgot they do that, or I would've just waited.


My dad took me to Wal-Mart after class, so I at least looked at cameras.  There's a really nice-looking one for only 200 bucks, I might get it...


Thats right ..kick me when I'm down, make fun of me...*sobs*


*peeps through her hands at everyone to make sure they are taking it in* *sniggers to self*


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