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Some Issuse and thoughts


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What happens to a warder if the aes sedai is stilled?  Does the bond still work?


Do you have to use the one power to use the stop sweating trick?


What happens if your in the world of dreams and they teleport (i think they imagine themselves there or summit) to the world of Elfinn/Alfinn?


Are there female Fades? 


Can the Gholam mate? 


What would win in a fight the Mashadar (from Shadar Logoth) or the Machin Shin (the black wind)?  ;D  hahah lol  :D


I can answer some of those.


1. No, the bond no longer works. Most Warders have been noted to fall dead from the shock of stilling.


2. No to this as well. Aes Sedai say that it's only a matter of concentrating a certain way, nothing to do with OP at all.


3. Is that even possible? I seriously doubt it, but someone who knows more may have to answer this.


4. Nope, just males.


5. No I don't believe so.


6. Mashadar all the way! ;D

Do you have to use the one power to use the stop sweating trick?


No, its a trick based on breathing.


What happens if your in the world of dreams and they teleport (i think they imagine themselves there or summit) to the world of Elfinn/Alfinn?


They would fail. RJ stated its impossible to enter the realms of the Eelfinn and Aelfinn in TAR.


Can the Gholam mate? 


Unknown. There were three male and three female Gholam, but as far as we know only one (or possibly two) male ones survive. So I doubt we'll find out.


What would win in a fight the Mashadar (from Shadar Logoth) or the Machin Shin (the black wind)?


Machin Shin since Mashadar is a ghost on the wind--forgive the pun.  :P


The first two questions are answered in the books.


Siuan (whom we know was stilled) lost her warder.

The 3 from Dumai's Wells, there was at least one warder from that group.  We do not not whether they were stilled or burned-out.


Several passages in the books tell of the breathing trick.  Rand's return to Caemlyn palace after Alanna bonded him is one passage.

A discussion with Siuan with Egwene/Elayne/Nynaeve (after Egwene became Amyrlin and the other two Aes Sedia, before the trip to Ebou Dar) is another passage.



but the only people that can use that trick are people who can use the one power     


Also when suan was stilled and was infront of the rebel aes sedai she was sweating and wishing that she could use that aes sedai trick now ???  ??? Do you have to be able to touch the one power or something? 


You do not have to touch the one power. Anyone can do it. Siuan doesn't at that point because she can't concentrate. She's just been stilled, she's come a long way, she's about to face the Hall, she has a lot on her mind, she can't focus enough to stop sweating. But it does NOT take the One Power.


The first two questions are answered in the books.


Siuan (whom we know was stilled) lost her warder.

The 3 from Dumai's Wells, there was at least one warder from that group.  We do not not whether they were stilled or burned-out.



The arguments you offer are irrelevant. If I remember correctly, Siuan's warder was killed before she was stilled. Siuan felt something odd, but couldnt place it: then Elaida and her little band came and took her.

And the other argument: we know that at least one of the warders at Dumais Wells dropped dead of shock, when Rand accidentaly stilled them (although you could see that as burning-out, since the weave was broken)


The others all reacted as if their Aes Sedai had died. They experience the 'death-absortion' effect which results from a bond being snapped.


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