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el Nynaeve

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Yes it does, I'm too lazy to type out the whole thing. :D


Not all blondes are stupid, my sister is really clever and she's blonde. However, that blonde in the video......I can't believe she thought Europe was a country! *facepalm*


Are you sure it's Canadian?  I've watched the TV show before, and I know for a FACT that Jeff Foxworthy (the host) is American.  I just looked up the show, and it is American.


And that blonde girl is Kellie Pickler; she was a runner up in American Idol, I think. *shrugs*  She sings country.


But all those kids are American, and they're smart! ;)


Okay, have you guys ever seen this video?  This girl got so much crap for it....





Ack!  I almost forgot!



Talya is so awesome

She's human, not a possum

She makes the BT go round

Thank goodness she's around!


There are definitely people more stupid than Kellie Pickler.




I once knew a guy named DSage

His comments lit up every page

But he slept quite a lot

And started to rot

Thus was the fate of DSage





That was unbelieveable!!!


Is France a country...now that made me laugh...haha!!!



Oh Meesh that was good, as if you couldn't see that happening...well obviously he didn't, and was that his mum trying not to laugh...haha



Yeah, there's this kid that I always see at the library; he's always sitting watching SOMEthing on his laptop and laughing away...


There's so much funny stuff on the internet... :D



Alas, I must sing of DSage

Who posted before me

And he snuck in after Talya

Who is a glorious being

To steal the adjective

From DSage


But I am not to sing

Of Talya this time

I am to sing of DSage

And I was distracted

So let me sing


DSage is a human

Erhem, I meant penguin

And he is male

Not female

And he likes to spam


Or maybe he loves it

DSage's life revolves around spam

And his post-count

And Dragonmount and

Reading and I don't know

What else....


I don't get around the internet all that much, in other words I don't go actively looking for stupid things.


I don't tolerate gross stupidity very well at all. :P


I sometimes have a look round, but I don't get much time, lol


Meesh, you do seem to be a very talented singer, These ditty's are making me laugh!


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