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Welcome Auld Manriva!!!!


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Hey Manny, nice to meet you, I was gone for a week, and yeah I got back a few days ago but I've had stuff to do (namely spamming at fiddlesticks...lol) but, yeah hi you'll be seeing alot of me if you hang around.


Light you start early 12th :)

I guess i start early. out the door 0445 this am. just back and can sit down a bit. i was wonderin on the way home if you'd get them at the library as they do get a bit saucey as 1 YL posted recently :wink: .


Do i remember seein an armored vehicle assy plant in Mantua :?:


gonna be dancin around a bit tryin to catch up..L8tr


Oh, well i start at 5:00 in the morning, i go out side take care of the animals, Do an hour or two of work, come in, attempt to Get rid of the virus on my new computer... :roll:


And no, no Assembly plants here... although in WWI the farms on my road were chosen to give food to be sent over seas for our men.


LOL! Whyte gets a little saucy too... :wink:


Huh... Auld Manriva.....


You wouldn't happen to be a Rod Stewart fan would you?



"Auld Manriva. That Auld Manriva.

He dont say nothin, but he must know somethin

That Auld Manriva, he just keeps rolling along.








Rod Stewart?? I'm a Rod Stewart fan!


*starts humming, closing her eyes and thinking about Owan*


"for the first time...

I'm looking in your eyes..

for the first time..

I'm seeing who ou are...

Can't believe how much I see...

when you're looking back at me..

now I understand what love is...

for the first time..."


*comes out of her romantic daydream*


Ok, i have this sudden urge to listen to my Rod Steward album!


I am a 'Redhead' fan. Not as big of one as Ain't Superstitious and Maggie Mae days. I tend to not be as FANatic when artists become icons. It's that whole snobbish, bogus "i liked em' before they sold out thing".Rods' control has developed with age though and i admire that.


The image i get for 'Old Man River' is an old B/W film of a large black man on a bale of cotton with the Mississippi behind him. I cannot pull his name for the life of me. Very famous and controversial...PAUL ROBESON :idea: :roll:


So many pronounce Auld as awled i wasn't sure it wouldn't be too obscure. Pleased you saw it. BTW, you ever hear Martin Mulls'song Men. Novel to say the least..


Lanette...Lanette *snaps finger* You going to be OK? :wink:


Did someone say redhead fan??


Well, as the Feisty Redhead, let me be late, but still welcome you in.


I've got amazon up now looking up the books you mentioned, they do look intriguing. I haven't had a good new author recommended to me since Robin Hobb, so I am looking forward to it.


*passes over a guinfantry*


Weellll, Hello Ms.Feisty M'am. Greetings from the Port City :wink: .And thank you sooo much for that fine guinfantry.


All the books by Mr. Cornwell are a bit gritty now..But as i mentioned the Grail Quest books should be on every Banders list, if they have a real interest in how infants, cavys and stick flingers fought together


If you can suspend most all you've heard all your days about the WBtS. You may like the insight you'll get from The Starbuck Chronicles. It opened MY eyes.


*comes out of her daydream by Mannie snapping his fingers in front of her face*


Mannie,you naughty boy! why did you do that?? and yup, i'm perfectly alright as long as i'm thinking of my baby.


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