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Wheel of Time Story Ending

Direwolf Jon

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I was talking over the series with a friend of mine and she brought something to my attention. In Lord of the Rings, you find out that the story was written by Frodo. Switching back to WOT now. Now I know he was not present the entire time, but he hints that he wants to write on Rand's life, and he can get info on happenings from everyone who was there when he wasn't. I think that it may possibly be forshadowing that the entire story will have been written by Loial. Thats all the evidence that I currently have, but I was just wondering if anyone else thinks that this will happen.


I don't think so, that would be way too Lame and the book has not had any of his point of view I think he heroizes Rand more than whats been written. and it would be a pathetic way to end the series by copying JRR tolkien so plainly :wink:

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also all the forsaken PoV's and such characters...there is no way that loial would make all that up..it just won't happen


Well, he could just as easilly make them up you know. :P


I was about to disagree with this, but then you brought up the Darkfriend/Chosen PoV and I suppose you are right.


But just for the sake of argument, Tolkien's device of having Frodo as the author of LoTR doesn't quite work either. How could Frodo have written about Helm's Deep, the Black Ships or the Battle of Pelenor Fields? He, Sam and Gollum were well on there way to Mordor and Mount Doom by then. The same could be said for the Last March of the Ents on Isengard.


One could say that he got it by talking to people, I guess, which is certainly true for Loial, more so than Frodo who was removed from all but two of the main character's for 2/3 of the story.


It's an interesting literary device, and it makes for a sort of "Aha" moment at the end, but I seriously doubt if RJ will use it.


well frodo could have asked his friends like aragorn etc to get accurate(although biased details)..also frodo would have no problem alterin the story slightly to increase its potentiall,loail would stick to the facts,and it would not work for his work to be partly fiction,which much of it would have to be


You all made good points, and I was rethinking about this, but then I remembered something that RJ had said. He has said that he has known the ending of the series for many years now. So there is still a possibility of this happening. At the time he thought of the end of the series, maybe he hadn't read Lord of the Rings. But, who knows, you all are probably right when you said that it would never happen.


Frodo wrote the things that all of his compatriots relayed to him after the journey was through.


Although hobbits are long lived creatures, Ogier are that much more longlived. And *possible spoiler*, cause Im still kinda new here,








if the Seanchan can have Ogier as guards that have never felt the longing, then who is to say that after teh Last Battle is done, that doesn't change for the Ogier of the Stedding. Loial would still have

hundreds of years to gather all the accounts of Rand, Mat, and Perrin together, and having lived during that time still be able to dissimilate and determine the truths and untruths concerning the end of that age.


I still don't think it's going to happen first of all I'd be kinda dissapointed and it just doesn't seem very likely I mean what are we going off of here Loial writing history oooooooh an Idea just hit me what if what loial's writingends up being the next ages prophecies or some such Now that is an idea i could deal with.

OK, but explain why Loial, in writing the book, gave a perfect account of the cleansing of Saidin yet later on he is begging for details of it? :P


Well, I don't think Loial writing the book is a stupid idea, and I'm also not sure it's true, either, but as far as the above question goes, I think it's easy.


Loial is recounting events as they occur. If he was there, he can recount it exactly. If he interviews somebody asking for details, he won't take it out just because he later learns the full details. It had already happened by the time he learned the facts.


So, there you go; that's why Loial writes the account, but begs for details :P



I remember once RJ saying that Loial was not writing the Wheel of Time. I can't remember there though. And unfortunately, me just saying that I remember him saying it once is not enough proof.


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