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A Giant Walks Among You Once More


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hello everybody, I'm back!


Yes I know, hardly any of you here now will remember me since I've been gone for about two and a half years, but I'm back now and decided the first character I'd resurrect would be Burrich, also known as Mountain Fury.


I'm anxious to rp with all of you and get to know you.


The updated bio should be posted soon and I'll add a link here to it when it is but I thought I'd take this opportunity to tell you what you'll be getting with his return:


Burrich is a GIANT, by far the largest human any of you have ever seen ic.  His companion Storm hunter is the largest wolf in or around the Stedding.  Burrich fights with a double-bladed battle-axe, a pair of throwing axes, and a long bow.


He is very shy around people he hasn't met, but only because he is still uncomfortable with his size and fears that everyone is terrified of him.


I would love to rp with anybody and everybody and my return thread will be open to all and posted in the next day or so.

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