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Demi's amazing journey, or: A LOG OF THE LOA, WITH PICTURES!


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So, as some of you may know, I went on a one week LOA about two weeks ago, and I'm sure at least some of you wondered "Hmm, I wonder where that magnificent and awesome dude, Dunbar (aka The Demigod) went for a week, I'd like to know more about what this awesome dude was doing!", whilst other were probably too busy partying to think anything at all.


WELL. For those few select, here's a detailed travel manuscript, scripted by yours truly, to give you further insight into the exciting life of a Norwegian 18 year old.




Tuesday, june the 23rd, 2009

The start of the amazing journey. I got up, did whatever one does at waking up (scratching oneself and eating toast, pretty much), and decided to play some Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. This is a good way to spend your time!

About 2 pm, I realized the train would leave in two hours, and decided to start packing. I'm a fast packer, and as usual, I packed about 150% too many clothes (*cough* that is, no clothes at all*cough*), being left with a far too heavy backpack. *sigh* And then, I boarded the bus for town, and the journey went like so:




It has begun, as they say.

Safely in town, I met up with my partners in crime, this bright bunch:


width=640 height=480http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b277/The_Demigod2790/IMG_0105.jpg[/img]

Notice me, not doing what you think I'm doing near my crotch

Also, I'm actually nude, you just can't handle it and so area projecting clothes unto me with your sick, sick minds


ANYHOW. We bought food (YUM YUM YUM) and two pizzas that we could eat on the train!

We boarded the train at 4 pm, excited to start the journet of epic proportions:


width=640 height=480http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b277/The_Demigod2790/IMG_0056.jpg[/img]

Trains are AWESOME


width=640 height=480http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b277/The_Demigod2790/IMG_0057.jpg[/img]

About five minutes later, zzzzzzzzz



We first took the train to Drammen:

width=610 height=480http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b277/The_Demigod2790/Untitled-12.jpg[/img]


width=640 height=480http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b277/The_Demigod2790/IMG_0103.jpg[/img]

See the little sign between us saying «Drammen»!? That's proof is what that is! Somehow, we managed to miss the huge, glowing  sign that said «Drammen togstasjon» (that's Drammen Trainstation for the lot of you)


And then, from there to our final destination, Sandefjord:

width=257 height=480http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b277/The_Demigod2790/Untitled-3.jpg[/img]


And also, on the way, we stopped at Finse. Finse was, a whole buncha years, used to film a movie. You know which movie that was? Star Wars: The Empire strikes back, is what movie! I'VE BEEN TO HOTH!



width=640 height=480http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b277/The_Demigod2790/IMG_0063.jpg[/img]

How it looked in Star Wars



How it looked when we were there


I might've gotten something mixed up.


The train took no more than 9 and a half hours. Oh, and the maps show the road if it were by car, imagine a more straight line, if you will.


On it, when not sleeping, we watched stand up comedy on a computer with little to no battery capacity or I read Sandman. Mmmm, Sandman.


As we arrived, by boat, at about 1:30 in the AM, it was late and we were sweaty and sleepy, and so we went to bed.  YES, THE HOUSE IS ON A LITTLE FRIGGIN' ISLAND! SWEET, EH!?


width=640 height=480http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b277/The_Demigod2790/IMG_0113.jpg[/img]

Here's where we sto-... Picked up my friend's boat!


width=640 height=480http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b277/The_Demigod2790/IMG_0119.jpg[/img]

Demi in sunset


width=257 height=480http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b277/The_Demigod2790/bpt.jpg[/img]


Also, time without decent shower: 24 hours.



Wednesday, june the 24th, 2009

I woke up around 12:00 in the midday, it was hot as all hell. I decided to explore this new and exciting place.


It looked like this:

width=640 height=480http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b277/The_Demigod2790/IMG_0213.jpg[/img]

Hell's yeah!


Things to know about the house:

There was no internet, except a little after 5, and that was about the slowest internet ever seen by man. We're talking 5 minutes to download a word document.

There was no decent running water, except in a hose (YOU CAN SEE THAT ON THE PICTURE!), so all water in the house came from a well.

There was a fridge, but it kept a steady temp of 10 degrees celcius. I'm not going to bother to convert that.

There was an outhouse for pooing and such, urinating was to be conducted outside, near a tree somewhere we wouldn't normally walk preferrably.

It was hot as all hell. It kept at about 31 degrees celcius, that's about 88 degrees fahrenheit, for you with a dumb and illogical way of measuring temperatures (<.<)


So, during the course of this first day, I spent the time getting almost killed by the sun, playing ping pong, grilling some delicious chicken for dinner (we bought about 2 kilograms of rice, enough to last a small army for weeks) and bathing in the salty ocean. Mmmm, salty ocean. Also, reading more sandman, like so:


width=640 height=480http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b277/The_Demigod2790/IMG_0123.jpg[/img]

Because reading's what vacation's for


width=640 height=480http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b277/The_Demigod2790/IMG_0130.jpg[/img]

Ping pong, Demi not pictured


Also I nearly got killed by an earthwasp, that stung my middle toe. The bastard.



Out to get me


And then, after a hard day's work of slacking, we slept. Zzzzz....


Time without decent shower: 48 hours.



Thursday, june 25th, 2009

Wake up, eat breakfast, swim in the ocean, clean self with water spraying from hose. So are the days of our lives. What else, this day. We found a fast boat, boated fastly to a nearby food shoppe, and went a-shoppin' for foodstuffs of all sizes and tastes. And lots of nuts. At first, the boat died, refusing to help us on our noble quest, but after half an hour of sizzling in the sun and bickering with it, it lived! The day was otehrwise spent playing ping pong, badminton and eating a lucious spaghetti for dinner.


Reading: World War Z, friggin' awesome!


Time without decent shower: 72 hours.



Friday, june 26th, 2009

Found air rifle, decided to shoot things with it, mainly little baloons filled with water. Didn't hit a single one, felt inadequate, cried self to sleep.


width=640 height=480http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b277/The_Demigod2790/IMG_0183.jpg[/img]



Went out in sailboat, had traumatic experience as we almost hit a reef, also, water everywhere.


width=640 height=480http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b277/The_Demigod2790/IMG_0194.jpg[/img]

Also, I was there at some point, and nearly fell in water o_o


Also, bathing and ping pong. Cannot remember what was eaten for dinner. This puzzles and disturbs me.


Reading: World War Z, still awesome!


Time without decent shower, 96 hours.



Saturday, june 27th, 2009

Most lazy day ever lived, did NOTHING all day, bathed early in morning, played ping pong a time or two, laid on hot couch reading and munching nuts (you people are sick).

In other news, I pwnd in ping pong, beating my nemesis a dazzling 6-3 in sets. Also, I pwnd in Risk, the most exciting board game ever?



Like this, only I was there, and I kicked butt!


Also, heard news of the death of Michael Jackson, lamented, wailed to disinterested friends. The bastards.


width=386 height=480http://fineartamerica.com/images-medium/michael-jackson-sad-clown-david-devries.jpg[/img]


Taco for dinner, I say yummy!


Reading: Finished World War Z, started reading Transmetropolitan, WHICH IS ALSO AWESOME YEAH!


Time without decent shower: 120 hours.



Sunday, june 28th, 2009

Went for hike in forest, almost got eaten by ants. The bastards.



Like this



Out to get me


Ended up at mini-golf place, mini-golf was played, came in second by one measly point (DAMNIT!), ice cream was consumed. Mmmm, ice cream.



Like this, only I nearly won


Further pwnage in ping pont. I'm on a winning streak. Roast potatoes and chicken wings for dinner.


Reading: Transmetropolitan


Time without decent shower: 134 hours.



Monday, june 29th, 2009

Went boating to a cluster of rocky islands, where jumping into the ocean and trying desperately to avoid jellyfish was on the menu.


width=593 height=480http://www.allthepages.org/photoblog/images/white_jellyfish-mar06.jpg[/img]

Out to get me


After this, we went a-shoppin' again, buying more vital foodstuffs and ice cream to boot. For dinner: leftovers, yaaay! We have, by this point, nearly halved our supply of rice. Also, slacking and  Risk, WHICH I NEARLY WON THIS TIME, but then they all ratted against me and obliterated me, the bastards.

Got depressed, found air rifle, found milk carton with image of Aleksander Rybak on (The Norwegian winner of the Music Grand Prix in Europe, HE WON!). Sick and tired of his song, decided to shoot him.



He's in love with a hairy male, even though it hurts


The song:


width=360 height=480http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b277/The_Demigod2790/IMG_0211.jpg[/img]

He won't be singing for a while


Reading: Thud! By Terry Pratchett. It's lovely.


Time without decent shower: 158 hours.


Tuesday, june 30th, 2009

In the early hours, there was found a sailboard. No idea if that's what you call 'em. (it seems google thinks that's what you call 'em!)

I tried it:


width=640 height=480http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b277/The_Demigod2790/IMG_0231.jpg[/img]



width=640 height=480http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b277/The_Demigod2790/IMG_0232.jpg[/img]

About two seconds later


The rest of the day was spent slacking and packing ye olde bag, preparing for departure. Also, monopoly was played, and I was tricked out of victory by the ancient enemy: Time.


Took dramatic image of self:

width=360 height=480http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b277/The_Demigod2790/IMG_0215.jpg[/img]

Oooh, the drama


Finished Thud!, am now officially out of reading material (NOOOOOOOOOO).


For dinner, 2,5 hot dogs and a mountain of rice.


Time without decent shower: 182 hours. (whoo-ee!)



Wednesday, jule 1st, 2009

Woke up and did something new and amazing, showered! Unnatural feeling of cleanness settled over me, quite unnatural. Consumed breakfast and spent next few hours musing over the trip so far, and eating ice cream. Boated to dock, taxi'd to train and trained home.

Arrived home at 11:30 in the PM and went to sleep, HOME AT LAST.


Reading: All the news I've missed out on during my absence


Time without shower: 12 hours.




Demi, you are pure awesome. PURE FRIGGING AWESOME!


Plus, sounds like you had a good time *grins*


Times, lots of points. Will check tonight how many I have, to give you.


i loved it. It was so wonderfully written that i actually could smell you, Demi.


All i can say is Thanks for the vacation, Demi...i needed that.


Another masterpiece Demi, lol.


You really did have an army of bugs and things after you though, I'm surprised you made it out alive. lol


Thanks oh Naked One...


I didn't see any clothes! >.>


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