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An Adventure Begins (ATTN: MoN)


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The birds were just starting to chirp as Josen Mirel crested the rise of the hill with Kasi Duvan in tow beside him. This trip had brought back a lot of memories for Josen. Trying to get to the next town down the road without getting into trouble along the way brought back memories. However this time instead of protecting a wagon full of fabrics and other goods he had a more precious cargo to protect, his granddaughter. She always was a willful thing. Shaking his head at the thought he brought his attention back to the road ahead of them.


"Grandpa? What is Tar Valon like?" Kasi always did have a million questions. Her inquisitive mind was the reason they were here in the first place. On the road to Tar Valon and the White Tower where she hoped to become one of the Aes Sedai. Josen just wasn't sure if she'd really like it there if she did get accepted. Her strong will was sure to get her in trouble.


"Well, why don't you look for yourself Kasi." With that he pointed at the tops of the White Tower that were just then appearing over the horizon. "We should be there before mid-day if my memory serves me and if it doesn't take longer than normal to navigate through the city."


Kasi's eyes widened at the splendor of the gleaming white tower tops starting to appear before them. Josen chuckled to himself at the look on her face. Such wonder and adoration can only be found in a child. She was quickly becoming a woman, but in his eyes he would always remember the little girl who would giggle at soap bubbles and rainstorms. A small smile crept across his face at the memory but quickly faded as he looked at the young woman riding beside him. They grow up so fast and eagerly so. I wish I could somehow convince her to stay little forever.


With a sigh Josen turned his attention back to the road ahead. Keeping an eye out for signs of trouble. Tar Valon may be one of the safest places to be, but that didn't keep the idiots from still trying. They still had several hours to go before he would consider his granddaughter safe. Not until they were at the doors of the White Tower itself. The resolve that nothing would hurt her there was twinged with a slight doubt now that she was going to be joining their cause. He prayed that she wouldn't have the gift after all.




Kasi was in awe of the great city that was revealing itself before them. As they got closer to the city it became more and more magnificent. She had heard tales of how beautiful Tar Valon was, but she had never completely believed them. The tales she had heard, though, didn't give the city proper justice. It was the most wonderful thing Kasi had ever seen!


The white walls of the city gleamed in the light from the sun as if they were made from glass instead of stone. The whole city seemed to glow with magic to Kasi's eyes. She had grown up in Camelyn, so the size of the city didn't wow her, however the feel of the city did. There were people there from all walks of life, all mingled together. Servants walking beside Aes Sedai walking beside nobles in colorful robes. The city was a collage of all kinds of styles and colors of dress. Everything from the revealing dresses of the Domini to the high necked dresses of those from Tear. Her horse followed the stallion that her grandfather was riding automatically, if it hadn't she might have gotten lost in the throng as she was absorbed in her surroundings.


The buildings were magnificent as well. Though nothing in the city matched the Tower itself in splendor. Other builders had tried to match the craftsmanship of the original city, but Ogier craftsmen had made the original city and their techniques for building had never been shared with any outside the Stedding. The palaces in the city were done with the best craftsmanship that could be found outside the Stedding in the attempt to not be outshone by the original buildings. The whole thing looked magical to Kasi's eyes, however, original work and new work alike. It was the best place in the world to her.


When her horse stopped abruptly Kasi almost fell out of the saddle. She had been so absorbed in the sights that she didn't realize that they had reached the courtyard of the White Tower itself. Looking up at the enormous tower she started to feel nervous for the first time. What if I don't have the ability to learn? What else would I do? It only took her a moment to put the doubts out of her head, though, and to dismount from her horse.


Her grandfather took the reigns of her horse as well as his own horse and smiled down at Kasi. "Shall we go, hun?" It was the small push that she needed. They both made their way towards the doors. They hadn't gotten but a few steps when a groom from the stables came up to take the reigns of the two horses and escorted them to the stables. Kasi glanced up at her grandfather only once and received a reassuring smile in return. Here we go, the rest of my life.

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  • 1 month later...

Claire didn't often come down to the square in front of the Tower, but sometimes it pleased her to walk there and watch the Novices and Accepted at work talking with the petitioners.  Occasionally, she was able to assist in a difficult matter without the Accepted having to go in search of a Sedai.


On one of these days where she was in the square, Claire was observing an Accepted skillfully dealing with a petitioner who wanted a land dispute settled when something caught her eye.  An aged man and a young girl who had handed their horses off to a groom.  The old man was not what held her eye though.  The girl was young and pretty, and Claire shivered as if a goose had walked over her grave.


She looks just like Taei.  It cannot be; Taei is dead...long dead.


The Brown strode towards the two, and the resemblance between the girl and Taei Mirel increased as the distance between them closed.  The pair noticed her, and the girl gave an unpracticed curtsy and the old man knuckled his forehead, saying, "Good day to you, Aes Sedai.  This is my granddaughter, Kasi Duvan.  She wishes to be tested to see if she can become Aes Sedai, if it please the Light."


Claire nodded absentmindedly as she mulled over the name. Kasi Duvan...not Mirel...although now that I see her grandfather, I almost think I see a bit of Taei in his face, as well.  I wonder if my wits are finally gone...


"Welcome to the White Tower, both of you.  We definitely can test the girl to see if she can learn to channel, as to whether she can become Aes Sedai...that is left in the hands of the Creator and the will of this girl to learn."


She snapped her fingers at a passing Novice, who halted in her tracks and gave a deep curtsy.  "Chiarma, please take Kasi here to the Mistress of Novices to be tested.  I will remain here with her grandfather while we await the results."


Claire turned to the old man as the Novice led Kasi away and said pleasantly, "It shouldn't take too much time for us to hear the result.  I apologize, but I'm afraid I have not properly introduced myself.  I am Claire Sedai, of the Brown Ajah.  And I didn't catch your name either, I'm afraid."


He gave her a small bow and straightened with a grin.  "Well met, Claire Sedai.  I am Josen Mirel."


The Brown suddenly felt her smile freeze on her face and start to slip off of it sideways.  The man seemed to notice and asked, "Is everything all right, Aes Sedai?"


With a voice that seemed to come very faintly to her ears, Claire asked, "Mirel...I once knew a Mirel here at the White Tower...Tell me, Master Josen; are you by chance related to a Taei Mirel?"


She almost dreaded the answer.


OOC: sorry this has taken so long, been super crazy!!

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When the formalities were done, Saline stepped forward, turned the painting around and exhibited it. On it was a young woman with wind-swept dark hair and a mischevious smile.


Saline had moved back to give Lillian an uninterrupted view of the work of art, and the other had started as if some unkindly disposed person had bitten her.


"The very image of her, won't you say?" asked Saline enthusiastically.


Lillian did not speak for a moment. It may have been sudden joy that kept her silent. Or, on the other hand, it may not. She stood looking through the vision with wide eyes and parted lips.


"Well done on Rossa's part, eh?" said Saline rather loudly.


"Y—yes," said Lillian, looking very pale. She turned and walked away quickly.


"One moment, Lillian! I'm not quite sure it'll do for Rory's birthday present" Saline said as she faced the portrait once again. Then she saw Claire Sedai, an old man, and . . . Taei Mirel. Hitching up the painting of Rory she knew that the guilt and pain Lillian carried was still too much to confront. "Great, now she'll be impossible."

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Josen watched as the Aes Sedai who had greated them turned pale and her expression became distressed. For Aes Sedai that never seemed to show any feeling he figured he must have done something terribly wrong in his introduction to illicit such a response. "Is everything all right, Aes Sedai?" I hope I haven't messed it all up, for Kasi's sake if not for my own.


The Aes Sedai then asked a question, so faint that he had to strain to hear her over the crowd in the square. "Mirel...I once knew a Mirel here at the White Tower...Tell me, Master Josen; are you by chance related to a Taei Mirel?" The question took him off guard to say the least. Shaken to his core by the mere idea it took awhile for Josen to be able to speak at all. "I.... I.... I was once going to.... but that's imp.... she died...." It was Josen's turn to look as though he would faint. Could it be possible? "Perhaps... perhaps we can go somewhere... somewhere and talk... Aes Sedai?" He was so rattled at this point that he almost forgot who the woman he talked to was, almost.




Kasi followed the girl, Chiarma she thought she remember was her name, into the White Tower. The entry way was quite grand, wide halls that seemed to go on forever. The high ceilings and huge hallways made you feel insignificant, even someone as tall as Kasi. The hallways were lined with statues and paintings from all over the world. Fine crystal vases, and other delicate artworks stood on pedestals here and there, the vases full of fresh flowers.


Chiarma seemed to turn around at her often, sometimes seeming to gawk as if she couldn't comprehend what she was seeing. Is it really that unusual for girls to come and be tested? There were others that seemed to be staring as well, and sometimes chatting amongst themselves in low voices where they were well out of earshot. You'd think I was a calf being brought to slaughter. The scrutiny made her uncomfortable, but only made her raise her chin higher and continue on more determined than ever.


One Aes Sedai's reaction stood out in her mind. The woman had turned quite pale and stood gaping at her for a minute or more then quickly turned and almost ran in the opposite direction. Very strange indeed. Looking behind her to see if there was someone else traveling in their direction and then seeing there wasn't left Kasi even more puzzled. What could possibly make Aes Sedai nearly run like that? Especially in the White Tower. As she was trying to figure out this puzzle she noticed that Chiarma had stopped at a finely crafted wood door. Rapping sturdily on the hard wood, Chiarma curtsied and then hurriedly went back the way they had came. "Enter." came through from the other side, though slightly muffled by the wood. Carefully pushing open the door Kasi dropped into a rather clumsy curtsy and said, "Clare Sedai has sent me to be tested. I wish to become Aes Sedai." Rising from her curtsy she waited, half expecting the woman behind the desk to start gawking at her as well.

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Only many years of training and practice at rigid self-control prevented Larindhra’s jaw from dropping open.  At first she thought she must be dreaming, but then the girl spoke, and she could hear the difference in the voice. Still, she sat immobile for a long moment before the words penetrated.


“Claire Sedai sent you?” Her voice was more curt than normal. “Well … yes … take a seat then and let’s see, child.” She fumbled in her drawer for the stone she normally used for the test and embraced the Source to raise it in a rather wobbly fashion till it dangled between them. “Child, I want you to relax. Breathe evenly and just focus on the stone. Nothing exists for you, except the stone.” Her voice steadied as the familiarity of the test had a calming effect. She continued in a soothing, almost bored, manner until the girl looked totally relaxed. Eventually she was rewarded by a flash in the stone.


“Congratulations … what is your name, child? It was supplied with a blushing stammer. “Well, congratulations Kasi – you are one of very few who can learn to Channel.” And what are the chances of two such, looking exactly alike? There was a story here, Larindhra was sure. “My name is Larindhra Reyne and I am the Mistress of Novices. You will address me as Larindhra Sedai.” She tried to interject more warmth in her voice, though shock still had her in its grip. Hoping some tea would relax her, and the girl too, for that matter, she fed a trickle of Fire into the pot of water on a tea trolley next to her desk.


“Would you make us some tea while I write your details down, child? Oh – I need your age and place of birth too.” As Kasi brewed the tea for them, Larindhra wrote everything down in the novice book. The girl handed her a cup, to which Larindhra added a much more generous dollop of honey than was her wont. “Help yourself to the honey, and to the biscuits under the napkin.” She pointed to some small plates on the trolley.  “So tell me, child, what made you decide to come to the White Tower to be tested?”



Larindhra Reyne

Mistress of Novices


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After being so curt and cold at the beginning of their meeting Kasi was floored by the recent attitude shift. While trying to retain her composure and not stare wide eyed at the woman behind the desk she answered shakily. "Thank you, Aes Sedai." Not trusting her hands with the fine cups set before her she looked under the napkin at the biscuits before selecting a small one to nibble on so as not to appear rude at the offer. The biscuit was delicious! I really must find out how the cook made these seem melt on your tongue.


The question took Kasi slightly aback, not to mention caught her in mid bite of the biscuit. Trying to hurriedly finish her bite she almost did so too quickly and narrowly avoided choking on it. Hoping that the woman behind the desk didn't notice she replied to the question. "My mother got very sick when I was young, too young to remember it, but I've been told by many family members and friends that she wouldn't have lived if it hadn't been for the random help of an Aes Sedai who took an interest in her. They also said that she had fixed my back, which wasn't right when I was born, and so I have always viewed Aes Sedai with respect. From the time I was little I knew I would become Aes Sedai, no matter how long it took." Pausing to take a small swallow of tea to wash down the biscuit she quickly lowered it back to the tray and winced as the fine dishes clinked. "I had begged my father for years to be able to be tested to become Aes Sedai once I was old enough, and he recently relented as long as my grandfather accompanied me. My grandfather had been a traveling merchant years ago and my father sent him with me from Camelyn." Wondering what sort of response her story would get she nervously took another bite of the biscuit, blushing slightly, and hoped that the woman wouldn't laugh at her.

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Duvan. Not Mirel.  Hopefully Claire is getting the story out of the grandfather  … I must try to find her after this.  Larindhra finished writing Kasi’s details into the novice book then set it aside to pick up her cup of tea. She was pleased to see that her hands did not shake. Sipping delicately at the cup of Tremalking black, she listened to Kasi’s story with only a mild look of interest on her face. Once the girl fell silent, Larindhra gave her a warm smile. “I am glad that your wishes coincide with your abilities, my dear. It is a hard and long road you have chosen, though – I hope you remember what those Aes Sedai did for you and your mother, when it gets tough.” She rose. "Let's get you dressed properly, shall we?"


She led the way to a small storeroom leading from her office, where she picked out a few sets of novice Whites, from dress to slippers to pure white belt pouch. "Try these on and see which fit you better. We can have them adjusted later, if need be. Make a bundle of the clothes you are wearing and give them to me when you are done. If you have any valuables you would like me to store for you, please put them in a pile here," she pointed to an empty spot on a shelf. "Any jewellery you wish to keep with you, please put in your belt pouch or in a box in your room." She left Kasi alone in the storeroom and headed back into her office to put the Novice Book away and tidy up her desk.


When the girl came out of the storeroom, now all dressed in white, she held out her hands for the bundle of clothes the girl was carrying. "Before we get you settled in, there is just one more thing to take care of. Please follow me."


Silently she led the way down to a secluded courtyard, where she placed the bundle of clothes in the middle of the paved floor. “What I am about to do is a symbolic gesture of the end of your old life. Once this is done, you enter a new life, breaking all bonds with the past. The White Tower is your life, your future.” Her face solemn, Larindhra looked Kasi in the eye as she spoke. Embracing the Source, she channelled a Weave of Fire at the clothes, setting them alight. Quietly they watched until everything was burned to ashes.



Larindhra Reyne

Mistress of Novices


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Kasi took the dresses she was given and quickly judged which one was her size. She took the dress and shoes that would fit and put them on a bench in the storage room. She then quickly changed into the provided clothing. Taking her old belt pouch out she transferred it's contents into the new one. It wasn't much but it all meant something to her. There was a bracelet that her father had given to her as a birthday present, a necklace that was her grandmother's, and a ring that was a gift from her grandfather. She put the bracelet and the ring on the string for her necklace and tied them all together so nothing would get lost. She also had a little bit of money left from the journey which went in the new belt pouch just in case she needed it. Kasi then folded up her new traveling cloak that her mother had made for her journey here and placed it on the shelf, along with the belt pouch that had been a gift from a dear friend back home.


Stealing herself up, Kasi emerged from the storeroom with the rest of her clothing in a bundle. She gave over the clothing to the Mistress of Novices and obediently followed her. I wonder where we're going now? Part of her was filled with excitement about the adventure she was setting forth on, another part of her was dreading having to be away from her family. Not even here for an hour and already homesick? Get a grip Kasi.


When they entered the small courtyard Kasi was even more puzzled about their reason for being there. When the Mistress of Novices told her their mission there Kasi was immediately relieved that she had put the cloak and pouch on the shelf rather than bringing them out with her. While she hated to see the good riding dress go up in flames, it was a lot easier to stomach than seeing the rest of it burning would have been. It was amazing to see the clothes catch on fire, as if of their own accord, though Kasi reasoned that it must have been the doings of the Aes Sedai with her. She watched silently in amazement as the clothing burned away leaving nothing but a pile of ashes where they had once been.


After they had burned Kasi found the nerve to speak up, "Aes Sedai, if I may." She curtsied and awaited a nod before continuing. "My grandfather was outside awaiting news of whether or not I had been accepted into the Tower. If I cannot go wish him farewell, might it be possible to at least send word to him that I was accepted into the Tower?" Realizing suddenly that she had never told the woman who her father was she quickly amended her statement. "His name is Josen Mirel."

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Once the last flame had flickered out of the pathetic heap of ashes in the middle of the courtyard floor, Kasi asked for permission to speak, with a quite proper curtsy. Pleased that the girl was already showing the proper etiquette, Larindhra nodded her permission.


"My grandfather was outside awaiting news of whether or not I had been accepted into the Tower. If I cannot go wish him farewell, might it be possible to at least send word to him that I was accepted into the Tower?  His name is Josen Mirel."


Face frozen, Larindhra stared blankly at the girl for endless moments before nodding again. She had to clear her throat before she could force any words out through lips that felt stiff as a day old corpse’s. “I am sure he would appreciate saying good bye to you, Kasi. Follow me … I presume he is still in the square, or the entrance hall?” Not waiting for a reply, she strode off, leaving Kasi to catch up as she could.



Larindhra Reyne

Mistress of Novices


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