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For You Mom's... & Sam .. Riva's Guide to Happiness

Auld Manriva

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It's summer.. yes, don't try to deny it. And I've been reading a lot of rants and raves about yer RugRats driving you all completely crazy go nutz... SO, I've developed this handy guide suitable for cutesy ceramic magnet hanging on your heavily fingerprinted Refrigerators... YEP, been there done that happy to finally have an empty nest..... for the most part. I AM a step-grandfather for all love..


My Blog.. Dawgriver.com


I have to send you there, because otherwise the guide is too small for anyone to make out a third of it.

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You know this is true Twin... It took me a good few minutes of head scratching to figure out what was so funny about it! To me it looked to be ALL GOOD!  ;D




my younger brother "got practiced" on by me early on whilst I perfected my "sitter chops" before my Mom started hiring me out to friends. He comments on the blog (the baby wash technique was actually used on him... by me) and has been carrying the scars of my care taking all his days since 8)

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I guess so Lor.. I didnt start coffee until I was eight. But down here I was considered a late bloomer...  or something to do with bloomers. OH Snap!!!.. I know what it was. I used them to store my wall mural media!

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We call them boogies. As in the dance and the short-version of a surf board. My husband wanted to call them bogeys, since that's what you shoot for in aircraft training missions. I'm sure you can see why I won that little war. *laughs*

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