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EotW: Favorite moment and least favourite moment


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this is still the most epic scene i have read: when rand ends up at tarwin`s gap and completly lvls the trolloc army, then someone from the crippled shienaran armie yells ''The Light wills it!'', and a glorious charge ensues (even if they dont depict the charge and the fight afterwards i can just imagine an epic gallop of thousands of heavy horse pounding the backs of fleeing trollocs...XD)


I like the Whitecloaks.

And you will be tortured, then hanged, for it. 


Kidding.  Because that would be hypocritical.


I just like the idea of a military organization that answers to no ruler, an entity that gains control of a region and uses the authority figure as a puppet. Anyone who gets in their way is eliminated for being a Darkfriend. You gotta admit, everyone hates them for a reason and thats because theyre good at getting what they want.


Mats sparring session against Gawyn and Galad cheeses me off. Two of the best swordsmen about being beaten by an ill man with a staff is fine, but when the two swordsmen are defeated within three swings of that staff, you start wondering how bad the average swordsmen are.


Always kinda liked this scene - btw, it occurs almost 1/2 way through TDR "Scouting & Discoveries" (ch 24). 


Soo many scenes to like, most of which have been mentioned.  Two that seem to stand out most for me are the prologue which provided our first experience involving the Power and also the dialogue with Someshta. 


Least memorable, or would just as soon forget, the scenes after the escape from SL when Egwene kept telling Perrin that it was his "turn" to ride bella. 


Mats sparring session against Gawyn and Galad cheeses me off. Two of the best swordsmen about being beaten by an ill man with a staff is fine, but when the two swordsmen are defeated within three swings of that staff, you start wondering how bad the average swordsmen are.


Always kinda liked this scene - btw, it occurs almost 1/2 way through TDR "Scouting & Discoveries" (ch 24). 


Ah, I don't have the first four books at my house so I haven't been able to scan through them as I do sometimes with the others, I forget sometimes how early certain things aren't. Cheers for that.


My fav has sort of been mentioned. I love how Matt and Rand basically took care of each other from Whitebridge to Camlyn(sp?).  I especially love the part right after they escape from The Four Kings where Matt asks whether Rand will leave him if he can't keep up and Rand tells him he won't leave him no matter what, and also the part where they fall asleep under a hedge leaning against each other, after Rand wakes up from that dream, he wakes Matt who was whimpering and he holds him. That last part is where Rand took Matt's place as my favorite character.


As for least fav: the part that I find myself wanting to skip on rereads is the tinker part.


My fav is totally the prolouge, I love how Ishmael gets the last laugh


Id say the worst is the end. Aginor and Balthamel going down so easy, kinda disgraceful.


Just my two cents


Favourite scene: Definatly Rand levelling the Trolloc army at the end, that whole section is fantastic.


Worst Scene: First sighting of the 'black cloacked rider', only the first time that I read the series though. I remember thinking "LoTR rip off", I changed the opinion fairly quickly  ::) (though there are quite a many similiarities in the first book).


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