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Watch what you eat....


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Well, I found out something yesterday. I'm allergic to peanuts!!!! Extremely allergic. Let's just say a trip to the emergency room was how I spent my evening.


I have never liked peanuts, or really nuts in general. The smell of peanut butter always made me want to throw up, but I never had a reaction like I did yesterday. We had went to eat at a chinese buffet and they had an ice cream bar there. Well, I got the kids their chocolate ice cream and then I went to get what I thought was cookies and cream. Well, appearantly it was Snickers or something like that. Of course it wasn't labled, but I took a couple bites and I couldn't stand it, so I gave it to my husband to eat.


Well, we get in the car and start going home. My husband's grandmother was driving in her truck. There was seven of us and only six seats, so when we all go either me or my husband will sit in the camper over the bed of her truck. Well, yesterday that someone was me. Just after we left my mouth started feeling a little dry, but I figured I would wait till we got home and then get something there. It is only a fifteen or twenty minute drive anyways. Well, then my hands started feeling tingly and the muscles started to twitch a little bit. At this point I started to worry. Not long after that my nose got stuffed up and then shortly afterwards I started feeling like it was harder to breathe. I opened up the window of the camper to get some fresh air. Then it felt like my whole head was swelling and like it was about to explode. All this happened within about ten minutes. Now a couple times I had tried to get my husband's attention in the front. When I felt like I was about to pass out I redoubled my efforts. After hitting the window about five times he turned around. I motioned about three times to pull over before they got the hint.


He then came back to the tailgate and I crawled my way that way. I told him that I needed something to drink, badly, and that I felt horrible. He took one look at me and said he was going to get me some allergy medicine as well. He went in and got me a drink and some allergy pills. I took the pills and had some definte difficulty swallowing. He then asked me if I wanted to go to the hospital and I said that it probably would be a good idea. We were almost to his aunt's house so we went by there and asked if she would watch the kids for us while we went. She said yes, so he ran them inside and off to the hospital we went.


I had to keep reminding myself to take deep breaths. I had never felt like that before in my life. Anyways, we finally get to the emergency room which felt to me like hours, but was probably about fourty minutes or so from when it started. After a quick admission they had a nurse come up to the desk and escort me back. They took my vitals and then took me back to a bed to wait on the doctor. After about ten minutes an actual doctor saw me. He talked to us for just a couple minutes to find out what had happen then ordered for me to get a steroid shot and a benadryl shot. Within minutes after the shots I was breathing easier. My hives started going away and my head felt like it was normal size within about twenty minutes.


Let's just say that we got home at about midnight and the benadryl was kicking my butt and my husband was determined not to let me go to sleep until three am. I fought and I fought and at two thirty I gave up. He came in at least twice to check on me though. I think I scared him half to death, but then it scared me. Let's just say today I checked all the labels in the house to make sure none of them had nuts in them. The doctor told me to stay away from any kind of nut, so that's just what I'm going to do because I hope I never have to go back to the hospital for one of those injections again.

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