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Question about Nynaeve's healing abilities prior to learning she can channel


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Hello people. :)


I've been within my own brain today in a fit of lore pondering. Something i am sure alot of you can sign onto doing from time to time.


In this lore pondering i began to ponder about medical knowledge and treatment options in the WOT universe without the aid of the one power. Which i am sure has been up before and isn't the point of my topic.


In this pondering i had a faint memory from the first time i read the books (i am currently re-reading them) of a mention of Nynaeve at some point having to treat a epedemic breaking out in The Two rivers. Now my question is. this this actually happen in the books or am I in the confusion of 11 books of lore making something up? / mixing itt the lore of some other book?.


I am a bit neurotic so it is bothering me that i am not able to place this "information" to any certain point of time in the books or know if it is a true memory. As i remember it. It is mentioned in a brief "story" told by a character.. Maybe Egwene. of how Nynaeve treated people in the sitting falling sick with some sort of illness that gave them fevers or something along these lines. Something that had happend in the past and didn't happen at the "current point of time" when it was spoken about.


Does this ring bells with anyone else.. or am i making things up? / confusing it with something else?.


I know it is a relatively small detail but it is not the less something I'd like to figure out whenever or not was really mentioned in the books!


Thank you in advance everyone :)


- Nikmi


It was indeed mentioned in the books. By Egwene, if I recall correctly. She mused about the smell of brandy/vinegar (?) making her sick, because the villagers wore handkerchiefs dipped in that over their mouths and noses to prevent catching this illness.




It is always good to know that I'm not going crazy and imagining things that never happend! :P Even if it is just events in Randland. :o)


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