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Hey there!


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I've been a fan of the series for well over 10yrs. I first read TEotW in 1994 at the recommendation of a friend at work. About the middle of the book, I got a little frustrated because I thought it was too boring. BUT, I thought that the best things in life require patience. Geez, am I glad that I exercised patience, because it became a major part of my life. I'm not saying that I went through a major life-change. Because I am still who I am, but the people that I hang out with changed(usually drug-dealers and troublemakers).

I just wish I could find some people in my area(NorthEast Arkansas)who would be amenable to starting a role-playing game with! Please, if anyone knows anyone in this area who does that, let me know. I put my email and messenger public, so hit me up sometime.

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:) Welcome GreenTrees! I like your quotes.  ;)


DM has an RP side you should take a look at. I don't RP there, because I don't have the time, but occasionally I'll do a little light RP thread at the Ogier. Right now Elder Lorei's been stuck in the mountains of the Spine for far too long, but there's not a lot I can do about it!  ;D  I need to get her home soon.


We're glad you're here. As Win said, look around and visit all the parts of DM that look interesting to you. You don't have to join the Orgs to post on the public boards.  :) 


See you around!

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Indeed, if you enjoy writing, you're more than welcome on the RP side of Dragonmount. We have sections for each of the major races.  :)


Enjoy looking around the site and welcome to DM, GreenTrees.  :D You'll find hundreds of like minded people here to discuss the books with.

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I have heard the RP side is great, but I have a warm place for the org. side. It is where you can just goof off and get to know people. Some of the orgs. have themes and I think most of them hold monthly discussions. So, you can give your opinion and help share interest. The RP side is great if you want to build a character, but the org. side is wonderful if you want to be a character. Take the Wolfkin Org. for example we are nature based, but we also love to dunk people and chili and drink tequila. So, basically hang out and have fun together. Hope to see more of you on the site.

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