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Updating your bio


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So everyone, I would love to see some updated bios, in many cases your bios are from age 17, and your a 150 year old aes sedai. I highly encourage you to update it as it makes  it easier for those rping with you. If you would like to do it, you can pm me your updates or you can email them to the bio email. DMWTBIOS@gmail.com

You can look at many of the bios here:



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This, is where I admittedly am not familiar with the aging timeline, from the day I became Novice to the day I raise Accepted. I know we can all progress at any pace but I don't want to make it look like I was there. 3 years and zoomed through everything. What is your opinon on how aged a person might think about from:


Novice to Accepted


Accepted to AS

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Lands! My old bio was so terrible. My face is literally flushed in shame :/


And Cleopatra, I'm not altogether familiar with the aging progress of N/A either but as a rule it takes est. eight to ten years to be Accepted, and normally another eight to ten years of training to reach the shawl I think. So you'd be looking at sixteen to twenty years in total. Of course there has been people who get there in fifteen and those who get there in twenty-five, so I am guessing it depends on how "fast" your character learns! Either way it's fun.

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On average, it takes around 10 years to be raised from Novice to Accepted, and another 10 from Accepted to Aes Sedai.  I think most sisters are raised to the shawl at about the age of 35ish.  There are of course exceptions to the rules, and some might take longer or shorter to advance.  But I'd say anywhere in the 8-11yr range per level is par for the course.


Edit: darn you lily! beat me to it!

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Thanks for posting that Andrea. What I did is I just knew what is was current timeline, then I figured out how I old I was, went backwards, figured out where she was at what age in the timeline, used that to add things into her bio, etc. It didn't take much and it really turns out well, and you can do a lot of editing to your bio as long as the core structure is still there.

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8-12 years, with 10 as the average for each. Rarely is it lower, although if you are exceptionally strong it is possible to do it in 5, or less.


But if you want to enjoy the fun as a Full Aes Sedai, I suggest staying around 90 years of age. That way you can be a sitter but still be young enough to get away with doing dumb things. :) <3


But that's just me personally, or what I would recommend highly to everyone.

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I think if I choose White Ajah for this character and because of her very matter of fact personal traits... I think shes going to be rather busy with perfection than anything else. Or not so much perfection but making well thought out, trained or honed choices. So my next AS will definately more... energetic *LOL*

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