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Reds Ajah Rps??


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So I would like to get some ajah rps going, either with you or with another involved. So my thoughts, you have the current BT stuff going on so you are pretty good on RP's. Another little thing that is going to happen is that one of the Ashaman will reveal to much and Jaydena will find out who your Highest is. At some point she will also find out that Jade is the CG of the Greens. Also Mae has the journals and she is going to make one for each ajah, not sure if we want to do an rp around that. Another idea is the Reds coming to the Greens after the bonding before the Tower finds out what they did. I am totally up for that and about to work on getting the Greens on board. So any other ideas for rps?

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Rhe BT / Red RPs will be going into full motion in the next few days, so I think most of us will be quite busy with that. Then once that's going, we'll need to organise something with the Greens, definitely!


More later  :D

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