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The Kin Keep's Moving Forward in May and Always!!


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”Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long.  WE KEEP MOVING FORWARD, opening up new doors and doing new things…”

Walt Disney


It was only a few short years ago this month that a few friends gathered together with a dream and an idea to create an Org at DM based on the Kin in the WoT books.  They would be an Org that welcomed any and everyone!  Those running away from other Orgs, those looking for a place to belong , and it would be an Org that had three rules:  To have Fun, No Stress allowed and absolutely Drama free!!  This was the conception of the Kin!  From an idea and dream, to conception to a Discussion Group to an Org, the Kin has kept moving forward!


It has become home and family to many of us, not just at DM or on the computer, but in our day to day real lives as well!  The group of us is never more important than any one individual in our family as we share real life and Kin life!  We keep moving forward!


May is traditionally a celebration of the Conception of the Kin!  This year we are going to do this by diving into the World of Disney!  *grins*   After all, this was a man that understood the conception of a dream and making it a reality!  Keep on reading for the fun stuff going on this month in the Kin!!


Postcard Exchange

This has become one of the favorite exchanges we have during the year!  LOL  Maybe because it lasts for so long!!  Sometimes Kinster’s get postcards for two or three months after May!  Check out the sign up thread!


Disney Movie of the Month

This month each Council Member will be in the spotlight with their Favorite Disney movie!  There will be discussions, activities AND this is your chance to get to know the Council members a little better!  You can ask them questions about things that may not come up any where else!!   *grins*  This is gonna be great!


Disney Games!

Wondering why you have received a PM that tells you your Hidden Identity is King Neptune?  *bounces*  This month each Kinster will have a Secret Identity!!  I have or will be PM’ing every Kin member with a Secret Disney Identity for this month!  Your job is to guess everyone else’s identity, while keeping yours a secret!!  Check out the Disney Game thread for all the info!


In your PM you will also receive a letter…this is to Twinnie’s Scrambled Movie Title game!! 


Sharpen your wits!!  We are playing the Disney Movie Quotes game again!


In General



Don’t forget to sign in on the check in thread!  Keep an eye out for possible Raisings this month!  *winks*  Congrats to Myst and Mmeesh on their raising to the RED SASH last month BTW!!!


And as a special note:

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Poetry Challenge last month!!!  Be sure to congratulate the Winner’s and the Kin’s special Poet Laureates!!


Peace!  Joy!  Love!



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