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Rand al'Thor Dies In Book 12?

Guest Lord_Zirkus

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Guest Lord_Zirkus

I read a rumor online that Rand al'Thor is to die in book 12 MoL. Is there any truth in this? I read a report on tv where authors that write books kill of their popular characters so others can't bring them back or use them.... I am referring the author named J.K. Rowling....

Guest cwestervelt


I read a report on tv where authors that write books kill of their popular characters so others can't bring them back or use them.... I am referring the author named J.K. Rowling....


Interesting report, but not really that accurate. For one thing, simply being dead doesn't prevent a character from being re-used in a new story set during or before the events of the one in which the character died. For another, an author doesn't need to do anything to prevent someone else from using the character. Copyright is automatic and stays in effect until the original author is dead for 50+ years (70 for Literature and Film www.copyrightservice.co.uk), and permission is required to use any of the author's original works and creations, characters included, as doing so would constitute a derivative work.


As a side note, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle actually tried and failed to kill of Sherlock Holmes. It wasn't to prevent others from being able to use the character, but because he didn't want to write any more about Holmes. Unfortunately for him, but fortunately for us, it didn't work and Doyle brought him back.

Guest Majsju

The only person in the world who knows whether Rand lives or dies is RJ himself, and rest assured he will not reveal that until he's finished writing.


If you read that wat is suggested it implies that the dragon reborn will die. So i believe the dragon (LTT) will die but Rhand will live...


Seems logic to me.

Guest cwestervelt

Personally, I don't expect it to happen, but I sort of hope that he does die. After all that he has been through, he deserves peace and rest and he isn't going to get that if he survives the Last Battle. Additionally, with what he has had to do and endure to try and get the nations to cooperate, I'd hate for him to need to watch all of them fall back into their petting bickering and scheming afterwards.


There is some prophetic evidence that implies Rand's death, but the majority of it implies some sort of faked death or return--rands death face crumbling away, Min's "help you die" prophecy, the "to live you must die" prophecy. Altogether its impossible to say whether or not he will.


well along with the being bound to the wheel thing

he might enter the Mirror world and in effect becoming dead to all others. Then when he has regained streaghnth he will be able to come "back to life" unthreatened?


I do not think rand will die, the prophecy says that the dragon will die, or maybe it says the dragon reborn. either way, i believe that this refers to LTT, who is present in Rand's body. LTT is the dragon. and when he came to exist in Rand's body he was ... reborn. at some point during the final battle LTT will sacrifice what remains of his life and this is what the prophecy refers to. not rand or his death.


Rand and LTT are the same soul. Rand's just manifesting a different personality attatched to that soul. Trying to distinguish between them, i suspect, is going to be hard. Additionally the prophecies speak of physical manifestations... the dragons blood and so forth--every drop of LTT's blood is long gone.


it would make sense for Rand to pass in the same manner as LTT did in the last book. But i doubt Rand will, because of his close knit group of friends/companions (Mat, Perrin, Egwene, etc) that have also gained in considerable strength and wisdom. Plus with the "to live you must die" thing goin down he may go through the same thing as Moiraine is suspectedly doing?

Just a couple ideas off the top of my head nothing more..


Lol if writers wanting people to leave their characters alone is the reason they kill them off, george martin must be the most paranoid SOB in existance, I guess its why i love RJ and GRRM, one can't kill anyone, the other kills everyone and their dog, I doubt rand will die, but as i've said in a previous post, theres no way he can live a normal life again now that he has made so many enemies (He may have followers, but a lot of ppl are mighty p*ssed at him right now, and not just darkfriends). He either needs a permanent mask of mirrors or he will end up being given a new body by the creator, possibly even moridins... hmmm... it would be interesting to see a body swap go on there... it'd get around rand's face being so well known, anyway, back to the point i doubt he'll die, RJ just doesnt have it in him to keep a good guy dead, but to quote that annoying parrot in aladdin *Wheeze* "You'd be amazed what you can live through"


people's minds change fluidly


Saving the world from the DO would cause many to befriend him if only in hope of personal gain. Also With Galad leading the Whitecloaks Egwene the WT Logain will I hope lead the BT, Matt married to TOun so he gains friendship there or at least understanding. Tear is really his main stronghold since it is where he first made a real annocment to the world about being the DragonReborn. So I think he will slowly gain respect if not friendship from most


I think right now it's impossible to speculate as to what he will do if he lives. He is broken! Right now if you took away his war with the shadow, he'd have nothing. He would be an empty hollow unfulfilled man that is physically falling apart. Oh there would be those that would love him, but he has cut himself off from so much that he'd never really be able to feel any of that.


Rand has to come crashing down. I'm not convinced he has to die, or even get a new body. But he has to really remember what it is to be human. He has to risk loving recklessly. And I've always figured that a major key to that would be Tam. Yes I understand Min's viewing of Cady and the tears and laughter thing. But there is something about standing in front of your father, broken, battered and tired beyond understanding. And seeing what your condition does to your father. Seeing his eyes glisten with the tears of your pain.


For Rand this whole thing started with Tam. Tam gave him the sword and sent him out into the world. And I can't help but hope that it will be Tam that will help restore some humanity to Rand.


After it's all over, and if Rand lives through it, he will have to be a different person in order to be able to live a normal life. Lan might play a roll here as well, for he also is responsible for helping Rand create the armor behind which the boy has hidden.


I completely agree with you. I've always thought that Moiraine will be key in bringing some humanity back to Rand, but I think Tam will be a part of it too. Moiraine can stop Rand obsessing over his list of dead women, but she can't make him remember the shepard he used to be. Tam is the perfect candidate to do that.


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