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CLASSES - Attn Wanderers - PLZ RESPOND


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Right my little puplings, Owen is going to be taking a class for Senses training as requested by most of you.


Start date is next Friday, the 8th May. If you're planning on taking part with your Wanderer can you please reply here to give him some idea of the numbers participating? Thanks.



1. Tay/Rhya

2. Pol/Myra

3. Winter

4. Tai/Rahien

5. Kara/Alaya




6. Jade/Katrina will be joining Rhya for the Intermediate class immediately after the basic class



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*wanders in, humming casually*


"Hmm I wonder what is going on on the div boards. I -"


*realizes he walked in smack dab in the middle of a conversaiton."




lol you know I'm in. I'm SO in!  ;D Owen, it will be a pleasure. Heck, it will be fun to RP with all of you! :D

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Back at you Tai 8)


Although in the past it has been known for Owen's lessons to go in a direction no one expected, but i think this time he will be gentle with y'all ;D

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thanks for responding guys, look forward to rping with all of you. If during the rp, you have any questions feel free to PM me and i will reply asap. Here's the link to the rp




You have until next Friday to reply. I will post the next part of the lesson either Friday or Saturday.



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Hi Winter, yes you should. Go through the whole post and reply where you think it is correct to. It is easier to do a training rp this way rather than try and ask each person the questions, wait for a reply, then move on. Hope that helps?



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