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Coming back to RP

Alyria AlVire

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Hi all!!! I know its been a few years since I have been here, but there has been ALOT going on in life....I am ready to come back and RP with Alyria again..... I am looking for advice on how to come back into play, or would it be easier to start all over with a new novice at this point? Who wants to catch me up on what I missed??


I missed you guys!



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I think the last time I was on was in late 2004?  I am not even sure if I remember where to post or anything else about the specifics because the board had just changed when I stopped RPing..... I know I really missed it.


When I left, Sirayn Sedai was in charge and we were just getting ready to have a huge battle..... If that tells you anything!!

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I only joined the RP side here in Feb 2008 *grins*


Well, what you would have to do if you want to revive your old character, is submit a revised Bio for her. Claire would be able to tell you much more about how all of that works - she's in charge of AS.


Once you have your old character back up and running, you can make 2 new characters with minimum reqs, if you want.


If you would like to start completely from scratch, you can make a novice bio for a new character, and I get to play with you.  ;D

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*Coughs* Kyle??? If thats you, you have some explain'n to do.


If your not Kyle, Welcome!


You have two Order ladies around - Lavinya & Estel. But for all intent and purpose I think the Order dissolved the moment Sira left DM, along with all the lovely forkroot she stored in TV. No harm, no fowl.


If you have any continum questions, my inbox is open for your spamming privileges. :)




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*eyes Andrea* What am I stuffed liver?? I am the original Order person and the first brought into it. *G* Welcome back Alyria darling I am so excited to see you back, I remember you very well. I am now the DL and I think Sirayn was the Ajah Head for the Greens when you left. I am the current Green Ajah Head and one of the Sitters. You can of course create a new bio for a new novice if you want too, or you can rp your Green again. *hugs*

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I remember you Alyria dear! Awesome to have you back :)


As for the order...I have some ideas rattling around in the back of my head about that...there are a few of us still - Lavinya, Estel, Jaydena, Alyria and Eqwina. Did I miss anyone? Anyway, I need to clearly formulate my ideas, and Lavinya is about to have an IC discussion with Estel about the order. I'm thinking bids to gain power over the order, and all that secret forkroot needs to be protected or I'm thinking some heads could roll. I'll PM you all when I'm sorted and we can go from there with some fun or at least the falling apart of the order without the master if any of you are interested! :D

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