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Michael Bay F-ing Up Thundercats....


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not really...


The Onion has published a funny fake news article announcing Michael Bay’s “landmark $50 million agreement” to “monumentally f up” a big screen live-action adaptation of ThunderCats. The article quotes Bay as saying “I couldn’t be more excited to completely f$ck this up.”


“I’ll use every directorial tool I have to suck the very life and charm out of this beloved cartoon,” added Bay, claiming that the film could turn out to be the most colossal piece of crap he’s ever worked on. “I won’t rest until I get every last scene exactly wrong.”



Read the full article at http://www.theonion.com/content/news/michael_bay_signs_50m_deal_to_fuck?utm_source=a-section


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*sigh* Bayformers failed because of brainless, annoying characters moving through a nonsensical, barely existent plot where the actual robots were guest stars with no identity. It fails on an adaptation level because of a complete lack of relevance to the source material, even disdain for it, but it fails on a moviemaking level because all it consists of is pretty visuals and explosions; barbecue sauce, but not a whole lot of meat. Imagine it with Sci-Fi Channel Original Movie-quality effects. If it weren't for ILM (and Megan Fox's breasts - possibly ILM as well, I don't know), nobody would have given that movie a passing grade.

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You are really going to harp on plot?  I mean how sensical is it to siphon the Artic Circle of the Earth's energy to make energon cubes?  Or taking over a dam to make energon cubes.  Or getting energon cubes from Soundwave's chest every episode?  The Transformer plots are never sensical.  Rodimus Prime...not much else needs to be said about that.  I mean how do you go from a Hot Rod to a Winnebago????  WTF!?  Yes, so the plot might have been weaker than baseball without steroids, but what director is going to make a well thought out plot about robots from space that can turn into various GM vehicles and planes?

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Bay makes movies that appeal to the masses.  He took Transformers and successfully made it into a movie.  It grossed a lot of money. 


Again, I was so excited about this movie.  I had high expectations. 


The movie crushed me.  Maybe back in the early 90's when all I needed was some pretty CGI and explosions I would have loved it.... but I wanted some depth. 


Instead I was dealt cheese and for the most part, bad acting... and bad directing.


Megatron becomes unfrozen and the first words out his mouth are "I am Megatron".  Really? 


John Turturro's character... and acting were awful.  AWFUL. The whole idea behind his character was bad.  It wasn't needed.


John Voight... the secretary of defense... pumping a shotgun and acting tough.  AWFUL!


Anthony Anderson, the hacker that could take spare parts and make a hand radio.... I don't know what he added.  He was tortured by donuts and whined through most of the movie. 


What sealed the deal was the hide and go seek scene and the robot pissing scene.  Those scenes make me cringe to this day.

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It was really cheesy, yeah, acting wasn't anything good, but somewhat enjoyable.


Then again, I didn't grow up with Transformers, and this film was pretty much my first taste of them


But at least it had giant machines crushing each other in slow motion



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"The original Transformers was pretty dumb, so that excuses anyone who takes on the property afterwards from having to turn out a good product either"


Dig up just about anything Simon Furman has ever done under the Transformers brand and then come back and tell me you can't do anything with it that isn't stupid.


And man, I get sick of hearing the old saw about needing so much human crap going on because nobody will relate to a bunch of robots, either. Explain the appeal of Bambi or The Lion King, then.

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They're the first ones that came to mind when I was trying to come up with a movie without a single human character. And the points stands because ultimately the audience's ability to identify with the character is derived from who the character is, not what.


And, dude, you don't have to be prepubescent to enjoy the frigging Lion King.

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