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Dear Nynaeve,


When I think of you I think of a buttercup, so light and yellow and pleasing to the eyes. You are a wonderful conversationalist, and the nicest person from Israel that I have ever had the sweet pleasure of conversing with. Your desire to work with animals the most noble of callings, and I can only commend you for wanting to enter a field dedicated to the care of such fine species on our planet.


I would like you to know that I am proud to call you a friend and a fellow member of Shayol Ghul, and I hope to never lose such a precious thing as that.



Sexy as you are.


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awwww, Barmy! That's so sweet. Thank you :)


I don't know what brought this up, but I'm glad to hear what you think of me.


I've decided a long time ago to like you, despite you being canadian! I think you're an asset to SG and you really crack me up and make me smile every day.


You're adorable!  *liiiiiicks*





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Yeah. Barm is really great, though. He always knows what to say when I'm feeling down and ultimately manages to cheer me up. I mean, how can you not like that guy? he might be a bit full of himself, but who isn't? 


He's just so dreamy  ^_^





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