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A Little Worried


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I think so. my aunt-to-be was on the bus the other day and two gay guys were discussing it.


guy: who was your favorite character in Twilight?

he/she/it-guy: Edward, I took one look at him and I [jizzed] so hard I shook all over!

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for me it was iffy... the movie seemed lacking and that made me want to read the books to see just what all the hype was about. was told the movie was so lacking in quality was because most of the books are the character's thoughts. I'm not usually in to such books though

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Guest dragonsworn1991

Yeah love stories arent my thing either but I kinda liked them.


They are nothing compared to the WoT.

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yeah, you're right DSworn, but last time they tried to take the books further and make something out of them, they epic failed... you ever seen the game? fera dled it and I watched him play and it hardly had anything to do with the books. only way you could channel was using angreal/sa'angreal/ter'angreal.. only thing really in common were place names and item names


edit: hope they don't mess up twilight like that

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Guest dragonsworn1991

I know the game was pretty bad.


I hope the movies they are making or are supposed to be making will be better.

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Guest dragonsworn1991

Im straight and I liked it. Not as much as him but I liked it for a change.


My favorite series though is WoT

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See, I liked the Twilight series. It was a very simple read, with a happy ending, and sometimes it's nice to breeze through a book in a couple hours. It's young adult, so it is very...emo...at times, but if you are just looking to while away a couple hours without having to delve into a deep and detailed manifesto, Twilight fits the bill. For my purposes I was simply seeking to be entertained, not impressed. And I'm glad that for a change there is a teenage series out there that actively promotes abstinence and the lack of foul language. Yeah, I went there. ;)


Now the movie...yeah, Robert Pattinson is absolutely dreamy, but Kristen Stewart butchered the role; and the effects and screenplay were crap . You can tell they 'tried' to keep close to the books, but eh..


I am optimistic for the second movie, as they have director Chris Weitz (The Golden Compass) heading it.


EDIT: and for the record, my husband, brother, brother in law, and three close friends of ours (all straight men) very much enjoyed the Twilight series as well, but hated the movie.

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