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The Assault on Tar Valon (and Perrin's battle plan)

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Has Perrin given the Seanchan their battle plan to take Tar Valon?


I think a water source for the island of Tar Valon is mentioned in Egwenes POV once she has been taken prisoner. Could it be that the same trick will be used...the forkroute in the water and most of the Tower marath-damane unable to do anything?


If the tower were being assaulted, Egwene could summon the rebels to help defend the tower...could this be how the rift in the tower is healed?


How is this going to play out?

Guest Majsju

Unlike the Shaido, all Aes Sedai are aware of what forkroot is, so I don't think they'd be able to get more than a few before suspicions started to arise.


Although, that would make rebuilding the white tower easier, as the rebels would not be effected, so they'd be the ones sweeping in to save the day.


I dont see them having long term access to the tower without being detected. An insergent can't get in because the city is sealed to all but Aes Sedai, and if they gain entrance via to'raken i suspect they'll be noticed. No, i think they'll just try and attack by surprise at night.


I agree with Luckers. The Seanchan have been flying over Tar Valon and taking notes for about six books now. They've got a battle plan in place already, you just bet on it. And once it goes into action, Egwene will give Elaida a chance to deal with it and the moment she makes a bad decision, Egwene will swoop in and suggest the right course of action. I also think Gawyn will be involved in accepting his orders at that time and will decide to stand with Egwene over Elaida. They'll bring the rebels inside and fight united until Mat turns up with Moiraine and tells them all to calm down.


I also think an air battle would be totally b*tch*ng!


Finally we will see large scale fighting in a city. Ive been waiting for this since Mat warned Rand against doing it in book 5.


Leafburner, u said you can bet on the seanchan already having a battle plan, and im pretty sure this has already been alluded to. dont have books on me atm, but i think in book10-11, Karede (tuon's bodyguard) lets a map roll up that was of tar valon and its when the seeker walks in i think. another reference when suroth says they can take the to'raken to stop ituralde, and karede says not all as some are already committed to a secret assignment. im not entirely sure if people are correct been a while since i read it, but i know that both the events happen


The Aes Sedai in the tower are keeping watch though. So i think that they would have noticed by now that there are somthings flying over Tar Valon.

They have Aes Sedai out on the walls searching, thats how Egwene was captured, by some Aes Sedai out on patrol. You could think that one happened to feel her channeling, but it would have taken her longer to get to Egwene unless she was already out partroling.


They have Aes Sedai out on the walls searching, thats how Egwene was captured, by some Aes Sedai out on patrol. You could think that one happened to feel her channeling, but it would have taken her longer to get to Egwene unless she was already out partroling.

The Tower Aes Sedai had been tipped off that somebody was coming.


"Leafburner, u said you can bet on the seanchan already having a battle plan, and im pretty sure this has already been alluded to. dont have books on me atm, but i think in book10-11, Karede (tuon's bodyguard) lets a map roll up that was of tar valon and its when the seeker walks in i think. another reference when suroth says they can take the to'raken to stop ituralde, and karede says not all as some are already committed to a secret assignment. im not entirely sure if people are correct been a while since i read it, but i know that both the events happen" - Barnabas


I also think the "secret assignment" is the battle of Tar Valon. Woot!


I think it will escelate, RSR. I think the battle between Aes Sedai and Seanchan will serve it's purpose by uniting the Aes Sedai armies and once Mat turns up the Seanchan army also. If they have all those armies in Tar Valon and the Trollocs swarm down from the North it'll be one hell of a battle. I always saw tar Valon as being the city involved in the Last Battle. I'd not be surprised if Caemlyn is also attacked, but the brunt of the fighting will be at Tar Valon.


i agree that tar valon would see the seanchan if they were flying round all the time. however the aes sedai are slightly busy with rebels and such atm, plus the seanchan arent necessarily scouting with raken, esp not during the day. im assuming theyll attack at night, possibly while egwene and elaida are dining, thats my theory anyway, bringing egwene into control, and being the focal point for a few armies (gawyns maybe) as previously mentioned. im thinking that its gonna be a blood bath though if trollocs do attack, considering mat always thinks how much hed hate to fight there, and bryne also thinks in city fighting would be very nasty, should be interesting


The attack on Tar Valon will begin purely between the Aes Sedai and the seanchan and will be fought to a stand still, but then a assault from the shadow will occur and the black ajah will be forced into action before they planned by being uncovered by the BA hunters. The seanchan and the Aes Sedai will be foreced to stand together againts the trollocs and the like, and move on from there,

  • 2 weeks later...

I do not think there will be a battle for Tar Valon with the Seanchan. Rand will not let them. Besides it is supposed to be the last book. To much will have to happen. such a campain will cover many chapters. No space for it...


i never foresaw what tar valon would be worth when fighting for it. sure, it's pretty ogier handicraft but other than what is held in the stores below - any variations of angreal - is there anything about that particular piece of land that makes an aes sedai what she is? i don't think so and evidence of any women that channel around the "world" with no links to tar valon support this.

unless there is something truly powerful hidden, and worth killing thousands over, it is just a piece of real estate.


crystal...have you ever noticed and wondered why the most powerful ter'angreal are made of crystal? are there more than what has been revealed to us? most of the stronger "whatever'angreals" are of crystalline structure or seem to be.

the crystal throne of the seanchan intrigues me as well. is it a ter'angreal as well to be used in conjunction with callandor?


i am starting to be a crazy theorist on plane with the rest of you. i'll have to change my username to something appropriate - al'fen der'gibson? :roll:


"The Crystal Throne itself is a great ter’angreal that causes anyone who approaches it to feel immense awe and wonder. Of course, only the reigning monarch is ever allowed to use it."


straight from the guide.


this sort of joins the Mat giving up half the light and this post


what if the seachean under Mats (he is in a way the hihest ranking male among the seachan) command have to decide whether to attack the white tower to defeat the aes'edia black adjah or to attack the BT to stop Mazim Taim. (Taim reveals that he is somehow evil according to me through his "let the Lord of Chaos rule" quip)(he is in a way the hihest ranking male among the seachan) '


On other hand Logain still has that darn crown hanging over his head so maybe he will take over control of the BT thus ruining my theory

  • 4 weeks later...

What I still wonder, is Rand being in The White Tower. Was this her dreams or was it just what she saw under the testing to an accepted? I wonder. What if this truly happens? Rand gets the news of Egwene being captured. He tries to save here but fails, and then Egwene tries to save him fore real this time with the helping of Tuon. Or some crazy shit. Ah, but considering this to be the last book this would be too much. But we must remember that Egwene will get help from some golden hawk or eagle. Witch should be Tuon, ore Berelain. But Berelain is far from ending up in there now, so my bet is on Tuon. Gee, RJ’s world is too big. U could think ur head upside down.


You mean that what Egwene saw was a Hawk and a Falcon? Because I remember that it was some golden Hawk, Falcon, Raven thing. And if I remember right, Tuon had that. And the Seanchans are about to attack The Whit Tower (we think). Just my opinion.


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