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LOA thread?


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Do we have a standing thread?  I thought we did.  *scratches head* 


Oh, well...


It's that time again.  Starting tommorrow, the little you have seen of me will probably be less.  Workshops start 03/07, and Faire opens 04/04, till 05/19.  I am off to be Costume Mommy for a while. 


And I went back to school, after a year off.  Like I needed more to do. 


I will drop in as often as possible.  Miss you all.

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We gave you pics last time with her....


Yay RenFaire again!

Ursula where do you get your tarten material? I know you said somewhere in L.A.; but that's all I remember.

I need to get Mike's before next month...

And I need to make myself some skirts; which I haven't done so should be interesting  ;D


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  • 2 weeks later...

It would be fun to have a Kin gathering at this!!!  And get to see all of Ursula's costuming magic and talent!!


LOL  I know we got pics last year toots..think Lor wants an album of Ursula's costume work though...



Sure do miss you guys!  Hope you are well and getting enough rest Ursula!  And..I'm sorry your dragon died....was it cause we didn't click on it enough?

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Possible, my dragon died because I didn't click on it enough.  :(


Good to see you round, Lovely Twinnie.  I am sad that you are having such a hard time.  You can work through it as you always do, but I bet you are sure tired of having to.  I know it will be hard but you are just as wonderful with a challenge as without and we will be here when you need a shoulder or an encouraging scold. 


I just dropped in for a minute to check on y'all.  We have final construction and Dress Rehearsal this weekend and open next weekend.  :P  Wondering when the fun starts....

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ohhhh gotcha Twinnie! Costume work pics *nod nod*


We've decided to not get new costumes this year and instead buy new work clothes. So the kilt is put off till next year since we have good enough costumes for now.


Mike works opening Saturday, but we'll be there Sunday the 5th  ;D

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ahh..I had no idea how the dragon chicks worked!!


*hugs ursula*  Thanks!  You always lift me up my friend!!  and I AM better!!  Good luck with the dress rehersals and everything!  Even though this is so exciting and a wonderful thing for you..we sure miss you during these times...glad you got to drop in!!


*hugs LEanne*  you too missy!  ;)  Kind of a drag not always getting to get the new stuff..but the good news is you DO have costumes and get to go!!  LOL  and this way you get to have more time to make the new ones and find the perfect fabric for Staffy.  Of course we will want pics of those sexy legs.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am sorry.  I was around, but I did have some Business with a capital "B" I had to take care of.  2 hours writing a memo.  Sheesh! That is not the land of "no drama," believe me.


Are you coming again?  Always ask for me.  They WILL find me.  Heck, they don't need that much reason to bug me, mostly.  :)

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