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So, there is a similar topic in SG, but I wanted to start a discussion in here. Has anyone read the graphic novel (I have not actually, only parts)? Is it any good and how do you think the movie will compare. I was wondering how they will pull off fitting all the details into the movie and if the costumes will look cheezy.

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Here are some of the "Watchmen" characters in costume:




And here is the cover of the book, it looked very weird to me when I first saw it:


I think that the badge on the front is a happy face and belongs to the comedian who is the first guy in the picture above.



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So, there is a similar topic in SG, but I wanted to start a discussion in here. Has anyone read the graphic novel (I have not actually, only parts)? Is it any good and how do you think the movie will compare. I was wondering how they will pull off fitting all the details into the movie and if the costumes will look cheezy.


I have read it, and it's truly amazing


it's so much more than an empty superhero story, and from what I've read and heard the movie stays true to the original novel, something which has be extremely excited for it



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