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I wanna join the kin!!!

Guest dragonsworn1991

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*pokes Kyn with her needle* 


Hiya Dragonsworn! Welcome to the Kin!! Yup, grouchy over there is right, you need to read the stickies and then follow the instructions. When they are able, the Elders (Twinflower and U4EA, also known as the Nice Twins) will grab you, hug you to pieces, add you to the appropriate usergroups, smother you with niceness and then set you loose in the Kinworld all dizzy and twirly and such. (they are really evil those two).


I'm Mystica, currently holder of the fantabulous Purple Sash, which is how we do ranking here in the Kin. You'll start out with a Blue one yourself :) Oh and needles, can't forget the needles! *pokes the newbie with her purple needle* See? Very handy things those. Good for scratching too. *nods* And stealing someone's cupcakes without needing to move from the couch. ;D


Myself, I live in Belgium and work at the university. I love to read, though I go long periods in between reading fits, and anything fantasy (books, movies, series, etc).


Why don't you tell us a bit about yourself? And what made you decide to join the most relaxed, no-drama, take-it-easy, NICE (gag), laid back Org on all of DM?

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Guest dragonsworn1991

So my name is Pete and I am from South Carolina


I love to read, and I also love to write. Im currently a student and am majoring in english and history. O and I wanted to join Dmount because I love the world robert jordan created. And besides the kin is awesome and I heard this place is pretty fun and I love fun.


P.s. I can't wait to get my needles I love cupcakes. *Sighs*

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Then you'll fit in just fine here... Lor'll be along tomorrow likely... but in the mean time...


*hands Dsworn a pair of blue Knitting Kneedles and wraps a blue sash around his waist* Myst can kiss you in welcome if she wants, you're not my type.

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What do you mean tomorrow? *pokes Kyn and Myst both* You make it sound like I'm never here. *laughs*


*grins and wraps a blue sash around dragonsworn's hips with a wink* Nothing like welcoming you twice in one week! In this case, welcome to the Kin! :D I'll send off the appropriate e-mails to get you added to the Kin's private forums, so keep your eyes peeled for new stuff to pop up. ;)



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*smirks* ok, the biggest secret of the Kin is that... there's really no difference between the sashes, so you can calm down about points. You earn them when people who have them feel like giving them to you and by being active. I think you'll see pretty quickly that it's not about points and raising around here. It's all about relaxing and having a good time. :D So... enjoy your needles and relax!

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*bats her eyelashes that the Kyn*


our hero!  :-*



*gets distracted by the blood trickling through dragon's shirt* um...


*starts twitching* someone?


*goes into shivering* anyone?


*licks lips* little help!

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