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Joaquin Phoenix Debacle


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What the hell?? That clip was hilarious :D I don't know if he was serious or high or just acting or what but I don't really care either so meh. Amusing nonetheless ;D Maybe he'll be a good rapper? We already know he is a good singer so who knows.

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Empy, just watch the clips of David Letterman.  Oh!  And there's some really BAD film of one of his Rap performances on Youtube.  And when I say Bad, I mean, the quality of the sound is so bad you can barely hear him.  Although I'm sure his rapping is bad as well.


I'm a HUGE fan of Joaquin Phoenix, so I was sad when I heard he was quitting acting for a singing career, but I thought he really meant SINGING.  I saw the David Letterman appearance and thought it was a brilliant gag then.  Then second thought and HOPED it was a brilliant gag.  I forgot about it until today for some reason.  I'm still thinking it is a gag due to the Casey Affleck documentary filming, but there's still a chance that he's just totally flipped his lid.

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