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RJ stated that Lews Therin did not balefire himself. It was just really hot fire.


It's a bolt, not a shaft of light. Doesn't Ishmael say something to Lews Therin along the lines of "You fool, you'll kill yourself!" when he sees the amount of the power that's being drawn? I'd check it but the dog ate that part of my copy of Eye of the World.


No, Ishamael said something like that to Rand near the end, but Ishamael was not near Lews Therin when he killed himself--he travelled in onto the newly created island of Tar Valon just afterwards.


It's possible that the shining bar of light was balefire. It doesn't matter, however, as it is clear that he killed himself by drawing too much of the Power. It's in the very first freaking paragraph.


He drew on the True Source deeply, and still more deeply, like a man

dying of thirst. Quickly he had drawn more of the One Power than he

could channel unaided; his skin felt as if it were aflame. Straining,

he forced himself to draw more, tried to draw it all.


it can not have been Balefire, the bolt came from the heavens, not from himself. and we have never seen any indication that it would be possible to shoot BF from any other point then your own body.


the bolt from heaven was lightning, but as you said it doesn't matter since he died by drawing too much, the bolt i see was just the start of the creation of Dragonmount

It's possible that the shining bar of light was balefire


Well, again, no it isn't. As i stated in the post directly above yours RJ stated that it was not balefire.



Well, again, no it isn't. As i stated in the post directly above yours RJ stated that it was not balefire.


See, I didn't catch that post. Sorry, Luckers. My point was that even if it were balefire, it would have not matter in the slightest as Lews Therin's death was still suicide and it still formed Dragonmount.

  • 1 month later...

Another question is about balefire. If I balefired you and someone else balefired me, would you come back because my balefiring was undone? If so, then if the person who balefired me was then balefired by you, teir balefiring of me would be undone and therefore my balefiring of you would be redone and therefore your balefiring of them would be undone thus their balefiring of me would happen and mine of you would be undone and- the wheel unravels and the dark one breaks free... or something... bad shizzle happens, one assumes... but yes...


When you're struck by balefire, your thread is burned out of the pattern. If you've ever caught a piece of string on fire, you'll get it. Do you know how immensly impossible it would be to recreate that tiny string to exactly how it was before you burnt it? Yeah


From "thus spake the creator":

Next was a question about Balefire. 

Questioner "If person A Balefires person B, then person C Balefires person A, what happens?" 

RJ: Depends on how strong the BF was....

If A used more (stronger) BF than C, then B is still dead. If C uses more (stronger) BF than A (in a short enough time after the first BF), then B lives again.



Thats the example of Rahvin, Rand and mat. Person A (Rahvin) belfire person B (Mat). Person C (Rand) balefire person A (Rahvin) with a stronger balefire, and person B lives again.

Thats the example of Rahvin, Rand and mat. Person A (Rahvin) belfire person B (Mat). Person C (Rand) balefire person A (Rahvin) with a stronger balefire, and person B lives again.
Rahvin didn't balefire Mat.

Thats the example of Rahvin, Rand and mat. Person A (Rahvin) belfire person B (Mat). Person C (Rand) balefire person A (Rahvin) with a stronger balefire, and person B lives again.

Rahvin used lightning on Mat.

When you're struck by balefire, your thread is burned out of the pattern. If you've ever caught a piece of string on fire, you'll get it. Do you know how immensly impossible it would be to recreate that tiny string to exactly how it was before you burnt it? Yeah


Its not really as simple as that though, is it? Because the One Power is involved, rules of how it works and such like cannot be compared to such mundane examples. Yes, you could say someones thread is a piece of string as an example, but you cannot say balefire wont bring back a balefired thread based on comparing balefiring someone to burning a piece of string with normal fire. It just doesnt work. My guess is that balefire can undo balefire, until there are more than two balefires at work, and thats where the complications start.


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