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Lost Season 5 Discussion


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Oh, I do watch Nip/Tuck. I watched it this morning as I was getting ready, actually. *g* It's TOTALLY ridiculous, and yet because of who the characters are, it's not all that surprising. I mean, baby botox?!  :o


Aye, the funniest part of this season was when Mat and Raj said they both had sexual relations with a man. :P

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Aaron is the son of Jacob or (Jack's Dad who is maybe Jacob all along or just likes to look like Jack's dad now).  Did you notice the name of last week's episode was "Little Prince".  I think Aaron is very important and the real reason "everyone" needs to return to the island.


Nip Tuck was a great show for...err.. one season.  I still watch it for some reason but really kind of dislike it these days.

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Alien connection:


Close Encounters Of The Third Kind: Lacombe is the name of one of the French crew members that are stranded on the island with Danielle Rousseau. Lacombe is also the name of the main French investigator in Close Encounters as played by François Truffaut. That Lacombe, from Close Encounters, is based on real life UFO investigator Jacques Vallée, who has theorized that UFO encounters might be interdimensional rather than extraterrestrial.
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What I am curious about, is how Farady is in the Orchid with Dr. Marvin Candle way in the past. Whether or not he is seemingly immortal like Richard, or whether the time-flux eventually brings him there, though it seems unlikely.


Also must say, thumbs up to bringing the 'monster' back in.

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Seems like Ben was up to something naughty before getting onto the plane.


A last shot at fullfilling his promise to Whidmore by trying to kill Penny? And then getting the attempt interruted by a very angry Desmond, resulting in a quite beaten up Ben?


And what did Kate do with Aaron? The easiest explanation in my eyes would be her handing the brat over to Claires mum, who conveniently happens to be in town. Which would also provide a reason for the mum to be there, other than giving Jack one of those "Gasp! You!"-moments.

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Jack isn't Asmodean :P. I want to know who that Middle Eastern man was that Jack talked to in the airport and was on the airplane. Apparently my recording decided to blank  out their voices at that exact moment...... As for Ben trying to kill Penny It could be a possibility but why would he get dressed up in a suit in order to do it? Aaron going to Claire's mom is a reasonable assumption, didn't even really think about it, was too busy wondering what the letter said. I laughed so hard at how Jack was all bubbly and happy after his night with Kate. "I made coffee, and there is some orange juice too, 2 sugars and a milk still what you like?".

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I like how Hurley bought 78 seats on the plane.


What did that note mean?  Didn't Jack listen to him in the end?


I like how Sayid is being escorted by a Police Officer like Kate was escorted on the original flight. 


Ok that mystery guys has to be important.  He was the only non Oceanic 6 in first class... well other than Ben. 


Some facts that are cool...


Coincidentally, the number of passengers on Flight 815, subtracting those who survived and at one point escaped the Island (Jack, Kate, Sayid, Sun, Hurley, Locke, Michael, and Walt) is 324 - 8 = 316.


The title also possibly refers to the Bible verse "John, 3:16", which reads "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” - This is in direct correlation with John Locke's letter to Jack, which read, "I wish you had believed me," and Ben's Bible story to Jack about Thomas, The Apostle. Jack Shephard is our "Doubting Thomas".


This episode aired on February 18 in the United States. On this day there are exactly 316 days left in the year.


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I like how Hurley bought 78 seats on the plane.


What did that note mean?  Didn't Jack listen to him in the end?


I like how Sayid is being escorted by a Police Officer like Kate was escorted on the original flight. 


Ok that mystery guys has to be important.  He was the only non Oceanic 6 in first class... well other than Ben. 


Some facts that are cool...


Coincidentally, the number of passengers on Flight 815, subtracting those who survived and at one point escaped the Island (Jack, Kate, Sayid, Sun, Hurley, Locke, Michael, and Walt) is 324 - 8 = 316.


The title also possibly refers to the Bible verse "John, 3:16", which reads "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” - This is in direct correlation with John Locke's letter to Jack, which read, "I wish you had believed me," and Ben's Bible story to Jack about Thomas, The Apostle. Jack Shephard is our "Doubting Thomas".


This episode aired on February 18 in the United States. On this day there are exactly 316 days left in the year.



You are just full of interesting information, no sarcasm. As for the note, I believe it refers to Jack believing Locke about their destiny to stay on the island. More specifically their conversation at the Orchid, the last one they had which we have seen, In which Locke asked Jack to stay.

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  • 2 weeks later...



We saw the Giant Statue.  I still want answers but it was cool to see.  The giant statue also seems to carry an ankh in each hand which stands for fetility.  Could the destruction of the statue mean no more babies can be born on the island?


I really liked this episode.  The way they handle time movement was brilliant. This episode was the first to have a story segment which was both a flashback and a flashforward.


Also I liked how Sawyer, Juliet, Jin, Miles, and Daniel have been living a lie for three years, just as the Oceanic 6 have off of the island.



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What caught me off guard was the oceanic six, crash landed in the past.

I did NOT see that coming!

I was thinking they were going to crash in the 'future', and the others were going to be stuck in the past...

We are told you can't change the past, and the only reason you can interact is it was going to happen anyways...


Things have already changed...

And Now I have to wonder...


Why isn't young ben in that camp?

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They can't stop him from killing them. What happened, happens. But we may find out that other stuff we knew about is because of the fact that the Losties existed back in time. It will be interesting to see how they knowingly or unknowingly help or screw over their future selves by their actions in this past time.

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I did a little quick math about the Purge.  If I did it right they are about 2-4 years away from the purge event, and is it possible that whatever they used for the purge is what causes the birth problems?


Why do I have a feeling Richard Alpert only has 4 toes.

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I did a little quick math about the Purge.  If I did it right they are about 2-4 years away from the purge event, and is it possible that whatever they used for the purge is what causes the birth problems?


Why do I have a feeling Richard Alpert only has 4 toes.


I have this feeling, that he very may well have only 4.


But remember that 'agreement' they had with the others? Something about 'burying' the corpses properly?


What if theres more to it then just 'burrying' the dead? What if its either one of two things.

1) Burrying them, allows them to come back?

2) Burrying them, prevents them from becoming 'ghosts'?


Other things.


The fact that Jack & Crew, came back to the island, from the present, and landed in the past, and the fact that that crazy scientist guy's version of time travel basically involves sending the 'consciousness' back in time, this leaves me with one conclusion.


Jack & Crew, + the otehr guys, never actually traveled back in time.

The Island did. (now this is a 'duhhh' thing. We already know the island is 'moving', and they were 'following it'.)


BUT if physical time travel is 'impossible', and only the 'sending' of the conciousness is.

That tells me one thing.

The island is truelly alive, And anything that comes onto the island, is connected to it, and remains apart of its consciousness along as it lives.


What doesn't make sense however, is why the 'others' weren't moving back in time, but the group was? What happened to the rest of the main group? Are they stuck in the present island? We know not all of them died... And if any logic is used, they should be following the rest of them in the time skips... So why aren't the other 'others' following them to? My only conclusion is that the Island its self wants only the group responsible for it 'skipping' through time, to be going 'with' it for the ride....



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Where/when are Rose & Bernard and that crew of folks? I was talking to coworkers about it yesterday and we couldn't remember when/where we last saw them.


THe last we saw them, I believe they were AT the beach, sending off the scientists, and I believe kate/jack/sawyer ect to the boat. They got on the ship, Then Kate, Jack, Hurly, Sawyer, The asian Lady, and the pilot guy, got into the helicopter.


Sawyer jumped out. The scientists were heading back to the island, The boat exploded and Rose/and company saw the smoke with the scientists/sawyer.


just after the boat exploded, and the helicopter was out of the 'range' of the island, Ben turned the giant thing steering the island. And locke let em do it...

If Sawyer was on the beach with the rest of them. WTF weren't rose and them transported back in time?


My only conclusion is...


+ People quit the show?

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