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Looking to fill a couple of Reqs


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I am trying to move my Dedicated (Valeran) along so I can get him to Ashie and eventually have him bond an AS, what a lucky girl she will be!  ;)  So I am looking for any takers to teach him a few classes. 


He needs two Learning classes one of which must be Saidin related, the other is optional in that regard.  Then he needs a Using Saidin class.  After those are complete I will need a taker for the Ashie duel.


- Anyone up for teaching him the game of Stones?


- He is in his late thirties and has been a soldier all of his adult life.  He knows how to kill but I thought it would be ironic if he had some basic skill with healing.  So anyone want to teach him healing?


- I'm sure I can figure something out for using Saidin but I am up for suggestions.



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Mh....mind if I'd try to drop in there with Simmen?


Just think it odd that the Tower seems to have all these "private lessons" going on all the time- even if it's more convenient as far as time efficiency is concerned. :D



If I should just KTHO because Simmen's a mean Soldier still...Could understand it. ^^

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*GASP* Sieve...with a character NOT bonded to one of mine!! It may just be the death of me!!!  :-* ;)


I have help with my first req..the Saidin one, but I am always up for more :D I need to start working with Mathis so writing him will become easier.

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Post is up http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,39557.0.html


It is set in the Infirmary a few days after the battle in Shienar for those interested in joining.

No "mastery" in the channeling-department for Simmen, then...

Would it be too disruptive if he'd walk around carrying this and that? Just as an aside, or something?


Up to you whether he should or not. It's your thread. ;)

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Post is up http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,39557.0.html


It is set in the Infirmary a few days after the battle in Shienar for those interested in joining.

No "mastery" in the channeling-department for Simmen, then...

Would it be too disruptive if he'd walk around carrying this and that? Just as an aside, or something?


Up to you whether he should or not. It's your thread. ;)


Certainly, join in however you wish.  There would be plenty of mundane tasks to be done in the infirmary.  Carrying stretchers, seeing to recovering patients making sure they are watered and fed, etc.

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